Internationale Ausstellung Nürnberg 19.01.2008


Richter: Herr Sistermann ( D )

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Mayday V1 Jgd-CAC, VDH+DWZRV

Jolah V

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    My bestfriend and I want to create a blogging site, but we dont know which one to use. We basically will just be uploading random stuff about anything but we want the site to be fun and decorative, not just a plain layout…..

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    I want to pursue a major in creative writing, and eventually become a fiction writer, but my question is, besides teaching english (which I NEVER picture myself doing), what is there for someone with a creative writing degree to do before they have wri…

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    I am trying to find a good blogging site where I can actually get viewers or readers to view my blog. I have tried blogspot and live journal with no real success. Does anyone know of any good sites where I can actually blog and get readers?. . Another …

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    I have a blog on blogger and I want to add a background image. How do I do that? And the image is from the internet on my flickr account. So how?….

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  525. Luann Begnaud Says:

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    We want to start our own blog page together on blogspot, but I just thought about us having our own separate google accounts. How can we start a blog page together where it’ll be easier for both of us to log on besides just using one person’s google …

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    I am planning on being a creative writing teacher for my Senior project. The problem is, I can’t think of a grade that kids start creative writing. I would rather deal with younger kids than older ones because in the end I want to give them a book of …

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    As I look at the major courses for both it seems that I can take screen writing and film courses as my general major elective as a English major. When I choose a minor which can be creative writing or film studies, I’m having a hard time because I wan…

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    Posted: March 5, 2008NOTE: GMT is +5 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time.March 9The LaunchJules Verne launches atop the Ariane 5 rocket at 0403 GMT, separating from the launcher about an hour later. Eight hours after deployment, Jules Verne fires its engines to transfer to its initial phasing orbit to begin its pursuit of the international space station.March 9-18Orbit RaisingThrough a series of orbit-changing burns, Jules Verne raises its orbit from an altitude of 162 miles to arrive at a parking spot 1,200 miles in front of the station to wait out the shuttle Endeavour’s mission.March 12Collision Avoidance Test0800 GMT - During the phasing period, Jules Verne conducts a collision avoidance maneuver demonstration to test its ability to leave the space station’s vicinity if something goes wrong during rendezvous.March 27Orbit Maneuvering0520 GMT - Jules Verne begins to move from its parking orbit to set up for the first of two demonstration days.March 29Begin Demo Day 11400 GMT - Beginning at an “interface point” 24 miles behind and three miles below the space station, Jules Verne begins its first rendezvous attempt using GPS navigation on demo day one.March 29First Demo Complete1710 GMT - Controllers at the Toulouse control center command an escape maneuver after Jules Verne reaches a point 2.2 miles behind the station.March 30Go/No-goThe ISS mission management team confers to review the results from demo day one before giving a “go” for demo daytwo.March 31Begin Demo Day 21210 GMT - Beginning at an “interface point” 24 miles behind and three miles below the space station, Jules Verne begins its second demo day to test both GPS and optical navigation and a series of commands from both the ground and the station’s crew.March 31Second Demo Complete1620 GMT - After reaching a point 40 feet from the aft port of the Zvezda service module, then backing away to a distance of 60 feet, the station’s crew sends an escape command for Jules Verne to leave the vicinity of the complex, ending demo day two.April 2Go/No-goThe ISS mission management team confers to review the results from demo day two before giving a “go” for docking.April 3Final Approach1010 GMT - Jules Verne begins its push toward the station from a distance of 24 miles away.April 3Docking1420 GMT - Jules Verne is captured at the aft docking port of Zvezda.Data Source: ESASTS-134 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Endeavour is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-134. Available in our store!Final Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is now available in our store. Get this piece of history!Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.STS-133 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Discovery is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-133. Available in our store!Anniversary Shuttle PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!This embroidered patch commemorates the 30th anniversary of the Space Shuttle Program. The design features the space shuttle Columbia’s historic maiden flight of April 12, 1981.Mercury anniversaryFree shipping to U.S. addresses!Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Alan Shephard’s historic Mercury mission with this collectors’ item, the official commemorative embroidered patch. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.French military satellite primed for morning launch SPACEFLIGHT NOWPosted: December 9, 2009 An Ariane 5 rocket is being readied to haul a French reconnaissance satellite to orbit Wednesday in a rare morning launch from the Guiana Space Center in South America. Artist’s concept of the Helios 2B spacecraft. Credit: CNES The Helios 2B satellite will join an orbiting fleet of military platforms with optical and infrared imagers to map battlefields, monitor terrorist threats and enforce disarmament and non-proliferation treaties.”Images shouted by the satellites provide necessary intelligence data to the French senior authorities and also to the forces deployed on the ground,” the French defense ministry’s Helios press kit said.Officials said French military action in Kosovo, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Chad and Darfur demonstrated the Helios system’s value.The 9,259-pound Helios 2B spacecraft will join two other Helios satellites already in space. Helios 1A was launched in 1995 and Helios 2A arrived in orbit in 2004.Six European countries, including France, will be users of Helios 2B data.The satellite is due for liftoff at 1626 GMT (11:26 a.m. EST) Wednesday from the ELA-3 launch pad at the European spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana. The 151-foot-tall rocket must blast off in an instantaneous launch window, or else wait until another day.The Ariane 5 launcher rolled from its final assembly building to the launch zone Tuesday morning. Workers made electrical, fluid and communications connections between the rocket and ground systems later on Tuesday.The rocket will be flying in the Ariane 5 GS configuration with Vulcain 1 engine, upgraded solid rocket boosters and an upper stage fueled by storable hydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide propellants.The launch team will begin assembling early Wednesday morning, beginning the launch countdown at 0456 GMT (11:56 p.m. EST). Engineers will check electrical systems at 0856 GMT (3:56 a.m. EST) and begin fueling the first stage with liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen at 1136 GMT (6:36 a.m. EST). The Ariane 5 rolls to the launch pad Tuesday morning. Credit: Arianespace The first stage’s Vulcain main engine will be chilled down at 1306 GMT (8:06 a.m. EST). The launch team will verify good communications with the rocket through telemetry, tracking and command systems at 1516 GMT (10:16 a.m. EST).Seven minutes before launch, computers will take control of the countdown in a synchronized sequence of events to pressurize propellant tanks, switch to on-board power and take the rocket’s guidance system to flight mode.The Vulcain engine will ignite as the countdown clock reaches zero, followed by a health check and ignition of the Ariane 5’s solid rocket boosters seven seconds later to send the nearly 1.7 million-pound launcher skyward.Rolling onto a northerly trajectory from the launch site, the Ariane 5 will burst through the speed of sound in less than a minute and empty its solid-fueled boosters 2 minutes, 20 seconds after liftoff.The conical payload shroud will jettison three minutes into the flight after the rocket passes through the atmosphere. The Vulcain engine will fire until 9 minutes, 36 seconds after launch, when it will shut down and the first stage will separate nearly 250 miles over the Atlantic Ocean.The storable propellant upper stage’s Aestus engine will next light for a lengthy burn lasting more than 16 minutes.At the time of second stage shutdown, Helios 2B and its upper stage should be in a sun-synchronous orbit at an altitude of about 423 miles over the Arctic Ocean.The rocket and payload will coast halfway around the world before Helios 2B is deployed in communications range of a ground station in Perth, Australia. Spacecraft separation is targeted for 59 minutes, 23 seconds after liftoff.Wednesday’s mission will be the seventh flight of an Ariane 5 rocket this year on commercial, scientific and military launches. It will also be the 193rd launch of an Ariane rocket since the family’s debut in 1979. The Ariane 5 launcher will have conducted 49 of those missions after Wednesday’s flight.Final Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is now available in our store. Get this piece of history!STS-134 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Endeavour is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-134. Available in our store!Ares 1-X PatchThe official embroidered patch for the Ares 1-X rocket test flight, is available for purchase.Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.Project OrionThe Orion crew exploration vehicle is NASA’s first new human spacecraft developed since the space shuttle a quarter-century earlier. The capsule is one of the key elements of returning astronauts to the Moon.Fallen Heroes Patch CollectionThe official patches from Apollo 1, the shuttle Challenger and Columbia crews are available in the store. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Heavy-lifting Ariane 5 delivers for three customers SPACEFLIGHT NOWPosted: August 29, 2013 An Ariane 5 rocket fired its clean-burning hydrogen-fueled main engine, passed an automated check of dozens of health parameters, and lit two tube-shaped solid rocket boosters to blast away from its launch pad in the Amazon jungle Thursday with two communications satellites to serve the Middle East, North Africa and India. Liftoff from French Guiana occurred at 4:30 p.m. local time. Credit: ESA/CNES/Arianespace - Optique Video du CSG - G BarbasteFilled with cryogenic propellant, the 1.7-million-pound launcher lifted off at 2030 GMT (4:30 p.m. EDT) from the ELA-3 launch pad at the Guiana Space Center, a sprawling European-run facility on the northern coast of South America near the town of Kourou, French Guiana.Propelled into the upper atmosphere by 2.6 million pounds of thrust, the Ariane 5 shed its two solid rocket boosters in less than two-and-a-half minutes. The rocket crossed the Atlantic Ocean in 20 minutes, then deployed nearly 10 tons of payload over Africa.The launcher released its passengers in a geostationary transfer orbit close to the preflight target. The Ariane 5 was aiming for an orbit with a low point of 154 miles, a high point of 22,325 miles and an inclination of 3.5 degrees.The Ariane 5 first deployed the 13,911-pound Eutelsat 25B satellite, the product of a three-year partnership between Paris-based Eutelsat and Es’hailSat, a startup operator owned by the Qatari government. Known as Es’hail 1 by Qatar, the spacecraft will broadcast television and other services over a swath of the Middle East and North Africa.According to Eutelsat, the satellite extended its solar panels as planned within four hours of separation from the Ariane 5 launcher.Several minutes after its first deployment, the Ariane 5 jettisoned a barrel-shaped dual-payload adapter and separated India’s 5,842-pound GSAT 7 spacecraft, the country’s first military communications satellite.GSAT 7 unfurled its solar panels about 20 seconds after it was released from the Ariane 5. Officials said GSAT 7 would be declared operational in about two weeks.Each satellite will use on-board engines to raise their orbits to an altitude of 22,300 miles and position themselves over the equator.The massive Ariane 5 rocket achieved its 57th straight success since 2003, putting the European-built, French-operated Ariane 5 in exclusive company among the world’s most reliable satellite launchers.”After 57 successes in a row of the heavy-lift Ariane 5, it is once again with great pleasure and pride that Arianespace announces the successful delivery of our customers’ satellites,” said Stephane Israel, chairman and CEO of Arianespace, the French company responsible for Ariane 5 marketing and launch operations. “Tonight, Eutelsat 2B/Es’hail 1 and GSAT 7 are now traveling in their desired geostationary transfer orbits for lives that I hope will be long and prosperous.”Eutelsat 25B/Es’hail 1, built by Space Systems/Loral in Palo Alto, Calif., is beginning a 15-year mission with Ku-band and Ka-band transponders. Designed to serve commercial customers and offer secure communications to the government of Qatar, the spacecraft will be positioned at 25.5 degrees east longitude for a 15-year mission.It is Qatar’s first national satellite, giving Qatar independent access to television, voice, Internet and corporate communications services, while extending Eutelsat’s product offerings in the region. Eutelsat 25B/Es’hail 1 in the compact antenna test range at Space Systems/Loral’s facility in California. Credit: Space Systems/Loral”Es’hail 1 is the first step in our effort to enhance availability and quality communications services in the region,” said Hessa Al-Jabar, Qatar’s minister of information and communication technology, in post-launch remarks from Kourou. “This means more TV channel choices and cable options. This also means a commitment to meeting the sophisticated needs required for the FIFA World Cup in 2022.”The 2022 World Cup will be hosted by Qatar.Es’hailSat eventually plans to finance and deploy six or more satellites. The next satellite, Es’hail 2, will be fully controlled in Qatar, Al-Jabar said, and Es’hailSat is seeking another agreement with Eutelsat to deploy a third satellite at 7 degrees west, affording coverage of Europe.”Tonight’s launch is a milestone marking a three-year journey since Eutelsat sealed a strategic alliance with Es’hailSat, our Qatari partner, to pursue a ground-breaking joint satellite program,” said Michel de Rosen, CEO of Eutelsat, in a written statement. “We are now entering a new phase with the beginning of shared operations of a sophisticated and flexible communications satellite designed to deliver over 15 years of service to our two companies.”GSAT 7’s seven-year mission will relay communications between Indian naval vessels and military commanders using UHF, S-band, C-band and Ku-band transponders. Positioned over the equator at 74 degrees longitude, GSAT 7 will cover the Indian subcontinent and neighboring waters.The satellite, also known as INSAT 4F, was the 17th Indian satellite launched by Arianespace.The next Ariane 5 launch is scheduled for Dec. 13 with the ASTRA 5B and Amazonas 4A communications satellites, but the Guiana Space Center will be busy this fall with back-to-back launches of Russian Soyuz rockets - currently set for Sept. 30 and Nov. 20.The next Soyuz mission will launch four communications satellites for O3b Networks to enhance broadband connectivity in tropical regions around the world. The Nov. 20 Soyuz flight will deploy the European Space Agency’s Gaia mission, a $1 billion project to precisely chart the positions and movements of a billion stars across the Milky Way galaxy.Final Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is now available in our store. Get this piece of history!STS-134 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Endeavour is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-134. Available in our store!Ares 1-X PatchThe official embroidered patch for the Ares 1-X rocket test flight, is available for purchase.Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.Project OrionThe Orion crew exploration vehicle is NASA’s first new human spacecraft developed since the space shuttle a quarter-century earlier. The capsule is one of the key elements of returning astronauts to the Moon.Fallen Heroes Patch CollectionThe official patches from Apollo 1, the shuttle Challenger and Columbia crews are available in the store. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Intelsat, Avanti get a lift from Ariane 5 launcher SPACEFLIGHT NOWPosted: November 26, 2010 An Ariane 5 rocket blasted off from French Guiana and soared into a deep blue sky Friday, hauling into space a video broadcasting satellite for Intelsat and a high-tech British-owned spacecraft to meet the ever-changing demands of the vibrant European broadband market. The Ariane 5 rocket launches into a clear afternoon sky in French Guiana. Credit: ArianespaceThe rocket took off from the Guiana Space Center at 1839 GMT (1:39 p.m. EST), disappearing into a cloudless sky a few minutes later on the power of two massive solid-fueled boosters and an efficient hydrogen-burning Vulcain main engine.Nine minutes after liftoff, the Ariane 5’s cryogenic upper stage began a nearly 16-minute burn to inject the Intelsat 17 and HYLAS 1 payloads into an elliptical orbit that will take the satellites more than 22,000 miles from Earth.According to Arianespace, the firm managing the rocket’s operations, the mission reached an on-target orbit, completing the Ariane 5’s fifth successful flight this year.Intelsat 17 separated from the rocket first, then on-board computers jettisoned a dual-payload adapter specially designed for the Ariane’s two-at-a-time satellite launches. HYLAS 1 was released nearly 35 minutes after liftoff.Both satellites were intentionally left short of their planned operational points in space, and each craft will fire on-board engines to reach a circular 22,300-mile-high orbit over the equator in the coming weeks.Intelsat 17 is bound for a position in geosynchronous orbit over the Indian Ocean, a prime location to distribute video and other communications services to customers in Europe, Africa, the Middle East and Asia.The 12,214-pound spacecraft C-band and Ku-band transponders will operate for more than 15 years. It was built by Space Systems/Loral of Palo Alto, Calif.Intelsat says the satellite will provide a range of telecommunications services, joining the Intelsat 10 spacecraft at an adjacent location in geosynchronous orbit. The platform will replace Intelsat 702, an aging satellite launched in 1994.Jean-Luc Froeliger, Intelsat’s senior director for space systems acquisition, said ground controllers already established contact with the newly-launched satellite. Artist’s concept of Intelsat 17 in space. Credit: Space Systems/LoralFour main engine burns are planned to raise Intelsat 17’s orbit to geosynchronous altitude, and the spacecraft will be handed over from Loral to Intelsat in January to replace older satellites and establish fresh capacity.”It has a very diversified customer base that includes media customers, government services and corporate networks,” Froeliger said in post-launch remarks from Kourou.HYLAS 1 is the product of a unique public-private partnership between the European Space Agency, the U.K. Space Agency, the Indian Space Research Organization and EADS Astrium.The partnership’s beneficiary is Avanti Communications of the United Kingdom, an entrepreneurial firm with a mission to link rural European residents through broadband Internet services.HYLAS stands for Highly Adaptable Satellite, denoting the craft’s ability to allocate on-board resources to meet spikes and lulls in demand.”It’s Europe’s first broadband satellite and it will begin to bridge the digital divide, which is a source currently of inequality in our society,” said David Williams, CEO of Avanti.The new capability, funded by ESA and engineered by Astrium, will give Avanti “the ability to independently adjust our uplink frequency, our downlink frequency, our bandwidth and our power,” said J. Cooke, the HYLAS 1 satellite mission director from Avanti Communications.ESA initially provided $45 million to jump start the development of HYLAS 1’s generic flexible payload. The funding came through ESA’s Advanced Research in Telecommunications, or ARTES, program. The agency has two more public-private projects in the pipeline for launch in the next few years, including partnerships with Hispasat for a small communications satellite and Inmarsat for Europe’s next-generation Alphasat platform.”ESA is providing a brand new technology and Avanti is using that brand new technology to deliver services to Europe,” said Jean-Jacques Dordain, ESA’s director general. Artist’s concept of HYLAS 1 in space. Credit: AstriumThe institutional budget from ESA and the British government convinced private investors to contribute more than $500 million to Avanti, according to Williams.”Space is an industry with great barriers to entry, so it’s some surprise that Avanti managed to get here,” Williams said.Avanti officials say HYLAS 1’s Ka-band and Ku-band payload will serve between 150,000 and 300,000 users in Europe from a position at 33.5 degrees west longitude. The 5,666-pound satellite was built by Antrix, a subsidiary of the Indian space agency, and should last more than 15 years.HYLAS 1 was originally contracted to fly on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, but Avanti switched to Arianespace in 2009 to allay investors’ concerns about launch risks. Arianespace assigned HYLAS 1 to launch on the first Soyuz rocket flight from French Guiana, but launch pad development delays forced another rocket change to the workhorse Ariane 5 to ensure liftoff by the end of 2010.”Avanti has tonight grown up a little and joined the European space family, and that’s a family which I’m very proud to be a part of,” Williams said.Arianespace plans to end the year with a sixth Ariane 5 launch Dec. 21 to deliver to space the Hispasat 1E and Koreasat 6 satellites for Spanish and Korean operators.STS-134 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Endeavour is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-134. Available in our store!Final Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is now available in our store. Get this piece of history!Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.STS-133 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Discovery is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-133. Available in our store!Anniversary Shuttle PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!This embroidered patch commemorates the 30th anniversary of the Space Shuttle Program. The design features the space shuttle Columbia’s historic maiden flight of April 12, 1981.Mercury anniversaryFree shipping to U.S. addresses!Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Alan Shephard’s historic Mercury mission with this collectors’ item, the official commemorative embroidered patch. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Jules Verne propulsion system glitch resolved BY STEPHEN CLARKSPACEFLIGHT NOWPosted: March 11, 2008Two days after an electronics box cut off a quarter of a European space station resupply ship’s propulsion system, controllers successfully revived the suspect command chain and tested its ability to work properly during a series of engine firings Tuesday.Moments after arriving in orbit early Sunday, propulsion systemelectronics on Europe’s Jules Verne cargo spacecraft detected troublewithin one of four command chains governing the ship’s four main enginesand 28 smaller thrusters.The computers noticed an unacceptable pressure difference between JulesVerne’s hydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide propellants, according to theEuropean Space Agency.The problematic circuit, responsible for one of Jules Verne’s main enginesand seven maneuvering jets, was automatically removed from the propulsionsystem and replaced by another chain.Jules Verne is the first of at least five European-built AutomatedTransfer Vehicles to transport supplies, water and fuel to theinternational space station.Engineers traced the problem to an issue within the chain’s helium gassystem, which is used to pressurize the craft’s propellants, according toESA officials.The team at the ATV mission control center reintegrated the downed chainin the propulsion system Monday.”In a complex operation, commands to reintegrate an electronics box whichdrives that part of the propulsion system were up-linked to the spacecraftfrom within the ATV control center in Toulouse, France,” ESA said in awritten statement. “After the entire propulsion system was disabled, allfour propulsion chains were progressively enabled, thereby restoring fullfailure tolerance.”Jules Verne completed its first two major orbit-raising maneuvers usingall four chains Tuesday, kicking off a series of more than a dozen burnsto move the ship from its current 162-mile-high orbit to a point 1,200miles in front of the station by next week.The spacecraft will park there until March 27 to wait out the shuttleEndeavour’s mission to the station, which began Tuesday morning with anighttime blastoff from Florida.Officials plan a critical burn on Friday, two days later than originallyplanned, to demonstrate the ship’s ability to rapidly depart the station’svicinity in case of a serious malfunction during the docking sequence.The collision avoidance maneuver would push Jules Verne away from thestation at a relative velocity of about 11 miles per hour.The two-day pause in Jules Verne’s mission to recover from the propulsioncommand system setback will have no impact on the ATV’s planned arrivaldate at the space station, according to Alan Thirkettle, ESA space stationprogram manager.Thirkettle said the schedule has enough room to make up for the delaysearly in the mission because Jules Verne must wait for Endeavour to endits visit to the station on March 24.Two demonstration days are still planned for March 29 and March 31 to testJules Verne’s myriad of rendezvous sensors before officials give a “go”for docking, currently scheduled for April 3.Additional coverage for subscribers:VIDEO:ARIANE 5 ROCKET BLASTS OFF WITH JULES VERNE VIDEO:ROLLOUT OF ARIANE 5 ROCKET TO LAUNCH PAD Final Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is now available in our store. Get this piece of history!STS-134 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Endeavour is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-134. Available in our store!Ares 1-X PatchThe official embroidered patch for the Ares 1-X rocket test flight, is available for purchase.Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.Project OrionThe Orion crew exploration vehicle is NASA’s first new human spacecraft developed since the space shuttle a quarter-century earlier. The capsule is one of the key elements of returning astronauts to the Moon.Fallen Heroes Patch CollectionThe official patches from Apollo 1, the shuttle Challenger and Columbia crews are available in the store. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Follow the launch of the Ariane 5 rocket with the European Space Agency’s Herschel and Planck spacecraft. Reload this page for updates.THURSDAY, MAY 14, 2009An Ariane 5 launcher rocketed through blue skies and into space Thursday with two European telescopes designed to give scientists unprecedented views of star birth and the relic light from the Big Bang.Read our .1408 GMT (10:08 a.m. EDT)Herschel and Planck are on their way to deep space after a successful launch from South America this morning.The Ariane 5 rocket blasted off at 1312 GMT (9:12 a.m. EDT; 10:12 a.m. local time) from Kourou, French Guiana. The launcher deployed both satellites less than a half-hour later, and controllers in Germany acquired signals from the payloads about 20 minutes ago.Check back later for a full launch report.1400 GMT (10:00 a.m. EDT)Today’s launch has been called “perfect” by Jean-Yves Le Gall. Officials just wrapped up their post-launch speeches in Kourou.Controllers at ESOC in Germany continue to evaluate the health of Herschel and Planck after today’s launch.1350 GMT (9:50 a.m. EDT)Acquisition of signal! Ground stations in Western Australia have made contact with Herschel and Planck, confirming they have survived this morning’s launch.1347 GMT (9:47 a.m. EDT)Today’s launch was the 30th consecutive success for the Ariane 5 rocket.1345 GMT (9:45 a.m. EDT)Jean-Yves Le Gall, Arianespace’s chairman and CEO, says the Ariane 5 launch was a success and put the spacecraft on course for arrival at the L2 point.Officials expect to acquire the first signals from the spacecraft around 1349 GMT (9:49 a.m. EDT) from ground stations in Western Australia. This will confirm the spacecraft are in good shape following today’s launch.1342 GMT (9:42 a.m. EDT)It appears everything has gone according to plan with this morning’s launch. Handshakes, hugs and smiles all around the Jupiter Control Center in Kourou and ESOC in Germany.1340 GMT (9:40 a.m. EDT)Plus+28 minutes, 28 seconds. PLANCK SEPARATION! The Planck spacecraft is now free from the Ariane 5 rocket to begin a journey 1 million miles from Earth to take a picture of the infant universe.1339 GMT (9:39 a.m. EDT)Plus+27 minutes, 25 seconds. The Sylda 5 has been jettisoned. One more key milestone remains in this launch, the separation of Planck at Plus+28 minutes, 29 seconds.1338 GMT (9:38 a.m. EDT)Plus+25 minutes, 58 seconds. HERSCHEL SEPARATION! The Herschel infrared observatory has been released from the Ariane 5 rocket to begin a three-year mission studying the formation and evolution of stars and galaxies.Next up will be the jettison of the Ariane’s Sylda 5 dual payload adapter to reveal Planck, which is directly attached to the rocket’s upper stage.1337 GMT (9:37 a.m. EDT)Plus+25 minutes. The Herschel telescope will be deployed at Plus+25 minutes, 58 seconds.1336 GMT (9:36 a.m. EDT)Plus+24 minutes, 35 seconds. Second stage shutdown. The Ariane 5’s upper stage has ended its burn, concluding the powered flight portion of this morning’s launch.1336 GMT (9:36 a.m. EDT)Plus+24 minutes. Approaching shut down of the upper stage. Altitude is 768 km, velocity is 9.8 km/sec.1335 GMT (9:35 a.m. EDT)Plus+23 minutes. The rocket is now passing over a tracking station in Malindi, Kenya.1334 GMT (9:34 a.m. EDT)Plus+22 minutes. Cutoff of the upper stage’s HM7B engine is scheduled for Plus+24 minutes, 29 seconds. The rocket should be in an orbit with an apogee of 741,682 miles, a perigee of 168 miles and an inclination of 6 degrees.1332 GMT (9:32 a.m. EDT)Plus+20 minutes. Altitude is 324 km, velocity is 9.1 km/sec.1330 GMT (9:30 a.m. EDT)Plus+18 minutes. The rocket should now be communicating through a tracking station in Libreville, Gabon.1329 GMT (9:29 a.m. EDT)Plus+17 minutes. The Ariane 5’s upper stage is shooting for an injection velocity of 9.967 kilometers per second, or about 22,296 mph. Altitude is now 185 km, velocity is 8.5 km/sec.1328 GMT (9:28 a.m. EDT)Plus+16 minutes. Altitude is 167 km, velocity is 8.3 km/sec.1326 GMT (9:26 a.m. EDT)Plus+14 minutes. The rocket is now passing within range of a tracking station on Ascension Island in the South Atlantic Ocean.1325 GMT (9:25 a.m. EDT)Plus+13 minutes. The HM7B engine, previously used by Arianespace’s workhorse Ariane 4 launcher, continues to guide the rocket toward orbit. The engine burns liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen propellants.1323 GMT (9:23 a.m. EDT)Plus+11 minutes. Altitude is 182 km, velocity is 7.4 km/sec.1322 GMT (9:22 a.m. EDT)Plus+10 minutes. Altitude is 195 km, velocity is 7.2 km/sec.1321 GMT (9:21 a.m. EDT)Plus+9 minutes, 15 seconds. The first stage’s Vulcain 2 main engine has cut off. The spent stage has separated for its fall back into the atmosphere to burn up over the Atlantic Ocean. And cryogenic upper stage’s HM7B engine has ignited to begin a burn lasting 15 minutes, 24 seconds.1320 GMT (9:20 a.m. EDT)Plus+8 minutes. About one minute away from shutdown of the first stage’s Vulcain 2 engine. Altitude is 221 km, velocity is 5.7 km/sec.1319 GMT (9:19 a.m. EDT)Plus+7 minutes. The rocket’s signal should now be acquired by the Natal tracking station in Brazil.1318 GMT (9:18 a.m. EDT)Plus+6 minutes, 15 seconds . Altitude is 206 km, velocity is 3.8 km/sec. The rocket is flying through the portion of the launch in which its trajectory levels out in order to gain speed.1317 GMT (9:17 a.m. EDT)Plus+5 minutes, 15 seconds. Altitude is 184 km, velocity is 3.2 km/sec.1316 GMT (9:16 a.m. EDT)Plus+4 minutes, 10 seconds. The protective payload fairing enclosing the Herschel and Planck payloads has separated from the rocket.1315 GMT (9:15 a.m. EDT)Plus+3 minutes, 30 seconds. The Ariane 5’s payload fairing will be released at Plus+4 minutes, 3 seconds. Flight designers delayed the jettison to give extra protection to the sensitive Herschel telescope.1315 GMT (9:15 a.m. EDT)Plus+3 minutes. Altitude is 105 km, velocity is 2.2 km/sec.1314 GMT (9:14 a.m. EDT)Plus+2 minutes, 30 seconds. Both solid rocket boosters have been jettisoned from the vehicle. The first stage’s hydrogen-fueled Vulcain 2 engine continues to push the rocket toward space.1314 GMT (9:14 a.m. EDT)Plus+2 minutes. The two solid rocket boosters are nearing the end of their burn to propel the 166-foot-tall rocket through the lower atmosphere.1313 GMT (9:13 a.m. EDT)Plus+1 minute, 30 seconds. Altitude is 27 km, velocity is 1.0 km/sec.1313 GMT (9:13 a.m. EDT)Plus+60 seconds. The Ariane 5 rocket is roaring through mostly sunny skies above the launch site in Kourou, French Guiana. The rocket has gone transonic and nearing maximum aerodynamic pressure.1312 GMT (9:12 a.m. EDT)Plus+30 seconds. The Ariane 5 has completed its pitch and roll maneuvers to fly east from the Guiana Space Center along South America’s northeast coast.1312 GMT (9:12 a.m. EDT)LIFTOFF! Liftoff of the Ariane 5 rocket with Herschel and Planck, two telescopes that will push the boundaries of astronomy to look deep into the cold, distant universe!1311 GMT (9:11 a.m. EDT)Minus-30 seconds.1311 GMT (9:11 a.m. EDT)Minus-1 minute. The Ariane 5 rocket is being switched to internal power and the launcher’s second stage is now at flight pressure.A fast-paced series of events leading to launch will begin at Minus-37 seconds when the automated ignition sequence is started. The water suppression system at the launch pad will start at Minus-30 seconds. At Minus-22 seconds, overall control will be given to the onboard computer. The Vulcain 2 main engine will be readied for ignition with hydrogen chilldown starting at Minus-18 seconds. The residual hydrogen burn flares will fire beneath the Vulcain engine at Minus-6 seconds to burn away any free hydrogen gas. The cryogenic fueling arm is also retracted at Minus-6 seconds.At Minus-3 seconds, onboard systems take over and the two inertial guidance systems go to flight mode. The rocket’s navigation, guidance and attitude control functions are also activated. Vulcain 2 main engine ignition occurs at Minus-0 seconds with checkout between Plus+4 and Plus+7 seconds. If there are no problems found, the solid rocket boosters are ignited at Plus+7.0 seconds for liftoff at Plus+7.3 seconds.1310 GMT (9:10 a.m. EDT)Minus-2 minutes and counting. The Vulcain 2 engine supply valves are being opened, and the ground valves for engine chilldown are being closed. Electric heaters for the rocket’s batteries and the Vulcain 2 ignition system are being turned off.1309 GMT (9:09 a.m. EDT)Minus-3 minutes and counting. The scheduled launch time has been loaded into the rocket’s main computer system. The upper stage’s liquid hydrogen system is now topped off and the tank is being transitioned to flight pressure. The main stage tank pressures should also now be at flight level.1308 GMT (9:08 a.m. EDT)Minus-4 minutes and counting. Pressurization is now underway for the main cryogenic stage’s liquid oxygen and hydrogen tanks. Also, final pyrotechnic arming is starting.1307 GMT (9:07 a.m. EDT)Minus-5 minutes and counting. Nothing is standing in the way of liftoff at the opening of this morning’s window.1306 GMT (9:06 a.m. EDT)Minus-6 minutes and counting. Liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen supplies of the main cryogenic stage are being verified at flight level. Also, the pyrotechnic line safety barriers are being armed.1305 GMT (9:05 a.m. EDT)Minus-6 minutes, 30 seconds and counting. Officials are confirming the readiness of the Ariane 5’s two scientific payloads and their ground segment.1305 GMT (9:05 a.m. EDT)Minus-7 minutes and counting. The synchronized sequence has started. Computers are now in control of this automated final phase of the launch countdown to prepare the rocket and ground systems for liftoff. There are three computers running the countdown — one aboard the Ariane 5 and two redundant computers at the ELA-3 launch complex.1304 GMT (9:04 a.m. EDT)Minus-8 minutes. One minute away from the beginning of the synchronized sequence. Everything remains green on the main status board.1302 GMT (9:02 a.m. EDT)Minus-10 minutes. This mission is a rare morning launch for the Ariane 5, which typically launches during the afternoon or evening hours on flights with commercial communications satellites.This morning’s window was calculated to optimize the trajectory of Herschel and Planck to their operating post at the L2 point in deep space.1301 GMT (9:01 a.m. EDT)Minus-11 minutes. The 4,235-pound Planck spacecraft should now be running off of internal power.Planck is riding in the lower position of the payload stack, tucked inside the Ariane’s Sylda 5 dual payload adapter. The spacecraft stands about 13.8 feet tall and also has a diameter of about 13.8 feet. Thales Alenia Space of France was also its prime contractor.The observatory will spend one-and-a-half years mapping the entire sky twice to detect tiny variations in the microwave background temperature of the universe. These temperature differences represent the structure of the universe when it was less than 400,000 years old.1257 GMT (8:57 a.m. EDT)Minus-15 minutes. The 7,500-pound Herschel observatory should now be running off of internal power.Herschel is riding in the upper position inside the Ariane 5’s payload fairing during this morning’s launch. It is shaped like a tube, standing nearly 25 feet tall and stretching almost 15 feet across. Thales Alenia Space of France is the spacecraft’s prime contractor.The spacecraft includes a 3.5-meter, or 11.5-foot, mirror and three instruments to study distant cold pockets in the universe where stars are just beginning to form.1252 GMT (8:52 a.m. EDT)Minus-20 minutes. In the next few minutes, engineers will transition the Herschel and Planck payloads to internal power.The status board in the Jupiter Control Center is showing all parameters remain green, indicating everything remains “go” for an on-time launch at 1312 GMT (9:12 a.m. EDT; 10:12 a.m. local time).This morning’s launch window extends for 55 minutes until 1407 GMT (10:07 a.m. EDT; 11:07 a.m. local time).1247 GMT (8:47 a.m. EDT)Minus-25 minutes. Today’s launch will be the 188th launch of Europe’s Ariane rocket family dating back Christmas Eve of 1979, the 44th flight of the heavy-lifting Ariane 5 rocket, and the second Arianespace mission this year.The Ariane 5 rocket has 39 successful missions to its credit, including the last 29 consecutive flights since 2002. If all goes well this morning, this would mark the rocket’s 40th success and 30th in a row.1227 GMT (8:27 a.m. EDT)Minus-45 minutes. Everything is on track for an on-time launch at 1312 GMT (9:12 a.m. EDT; 10:12 a.m. local time) from Kourou, French Guiana.After liftoff, the 166-foot-tall rocket will roll on an eastward trajectory from Kourou to traverse the Atlantic Ocean on the way to orbit. The Ariane 5 will follow a standard trajectory during the early portion of the launch.Engineers delayed the jettison of the rocket’s payload fairing nose cone by about 50 seconds to help protect the Herschel telescope.Thomas Passvogel, project manager for the Herschel and Planck missions, explained the delayed fairing separation in an interview with Spaceflight Now:”The fairing jettison will be a bit later than nominal because we want to protect the Herschel telescope to the maximum possibility. It’s launching at morning time in Kourou, so we are basically flying right into the sun. When we kick off the fairing, the telescope is not looking directly into the sun, but it is pointing very close to the sun. This was one of the reasons to delay the fairing jettison on Herschel, to be sure it doesn’t look directly into the sun.”The cryogenic upper stage’s HM7B engine will burn for more than 15 minutes to propel the payloads to a velocity of 22,296 mph. The Ariane 5 is shooting for an injection orbit with a low point of 168 miles, a high point of 741,682 miles and an inclination of 6 degrees.Herschel separation is scheduled for Plus+25 minutes, 58 seconds.”We then drift away after separation, and the upper stage makes a turn to avoid contact, then the Sylda 5 (adapter) is ejected. The launcher turns again to the side to avoid collision with that, then it spins up to 1 rpm and releases Planck,” Passvogel said.Planck separation is scheduled for Plus+28 minutes, 29 seconds.”If everything is perfect during the injection, Ariane 5 will put us into a direct trajectory to L2. But clearly there is an uncertainty that you always have to bear in mind for the upper stage, so there is a launcher dispersion correction we can do if we need it,” Passvogel said.1212 GMT (8:12 a.m. EDT)Minus-60 minutes. The launch team should have now completed a check of connections between the Ariane 5 rocket at ground telemetry, tracking and command systems.1142 GMT (7:42 a.m. EDT)Minus-90 minutes. Just an hour-and-a-half until the Herschel and Planck observatories will be on their way to space atop the powerful Ariane 5 booster. At this point in the countdown, filling of the liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen tanks should be in the topping mode.Coming up in about 20 minutes, continuity checks between the Ariane 5 rocket and the tracking, telemetry relay and commanding systems will be verified.WEDNESDAY, MAY 13, 2009A sleek white Ariane 5 rocket loaded with nearly $2.5 billion of ultra-sensitive astronomy equipment rolled to its launch pad in French Guiana Wednesday.The 166-foot-tall launcher rolled to the pad from the final assemblybuilding on dual rail tracks Wednesday. Engineers later made electricaland fluid connections between the heavy-lifting rocket and the ELA-3launch zone.Liftoff of the Ariane 5 ECA rocket from the Guiana Space Center is set for1312 GMT (9:12 a.m. EDT) Thursday at the opening of a 55-minute launchwindow.Forecasters are predicting mostly cloudy skies with a chance of showersduring Thursday’s launch window. Moderate winds are expected and thetemperature will be around 80 degrees Fahrenheit, according toMeteo-France, the French weather service.The Ariane 5, typically used to haul commercial communications satellitesinto orbit, will be launching two of Europe’s most ambitious sciencemissions in one go.The Herschel telescope and the Planck observatory will study differentparts of the distant, cold universe from a post nearly 1 million milesfrom the night side of Earth.See our comprehensive and preview stories for more details.With a combined launch mass of 11,733 pounds, the two spacecraft are toomassive to be launched together on any other booster. And it would be tooexpensive to fly the missions on different Ariane 5 rockets, according toThomas Passvogel, the Herschel and Planck project manager at the EuropeanSpace Agency.The missions carry a combined cost of nearly $2.5 billion, making theflight one of the most expensive launches in recent history.A lot is riding on the success of Thursday’s launch, but ESA concluded itwas worth the risk after an exhaustive survey of factors that could bringdown the mission, Passvogel said.The Ariane 5 is riding a streak of 29 straight successful launches datingback to 2002.”Looking back at the recent Ariane 5 launches, I think we have to berealistic of the nominal risk to be taken on the dual launch,” Passvogelsaid. “But it’s true, putting both (spacecraft) on one launcher isincreasing the risk.”In addition to ESA’s multi-billion-dollar investment, scientists wouldlose decades of hard work to prepare for the missions, if the spacecraftwere lost.Scientists began studying a mission like Herschel in the early 1980s, andPlanck’s development started in 1994.But officials expect everything will go as planned during Thursday’s launch.”I’m trying to avoid getting too excited and trying to stay cool,”Passvogel said. “It’s so exciting that it’s difficult to stay cool. Ithink most of the work to come needs a cool hand and good organization.”Managers completed the Ariane 5’s launch readiness review Saturday andanother final closeout meeting Tuesday to declare the mission was readyfor flight.The final countdown is scheduled to commence at 0142 GMT Thursday (9:42p.m. EDT Wednesday).Launch controllers will begin testing the Ariane 5’s electrical systemsand configuring the rocket’s first stage for fueling at 0542 GMT (1:42a.m. EDT).Six hours before liftoff, at 0712 GMT (3:12 a.m. EDT), workers will beginpreparing the launch pad for the final countdown. Controllers will alsoload flight software into the Ariane 5’s computer, test radio frequencylinks between the rocket and ground antennas, and align the the rocket’sinertial guidance units.The ELA-3 launch pad will be cleared of personnel by 0812 GMT (4:12 a.m.EDT). Fueling of the rocket’s first stage with cryogenic liquid hydrogenand liquid oxygen, along with pressurization of both stages’ attitudecontrol systems, should begin about 10 minutes later.The fueling sequence begins with pressurization of ground propellant tanksand chilldown of cross-country lines leading to the rocket. It will takeabout two hours to load 55,000 pounds of liquid hydrogen and 330,000pounds of liquid oxygen into the rocket. Topping of the fuel tanks willcontinue until the final minutes before launch as the propellant naturallyboils off.Technicians will start a similar procedure at 0912 GMT (5:12 a.m. EDT) toload the Ariane 5’s cryogenic upper stage with propellant.Controllers will begin running small amounts of supercold propellantthrough plumbing in the Vulcain 2 first stage main engine at about 1012GMT (6:12 a.m. EDT). The chilldown sequence helps cool down the piping tolessen the shock the engine will experience from the frigid fuel.Both stages should be full and in topping mode by 1112 GMT (7:12 a.m. EDT).The final synchronized launch sequence will be prepared 30 minutes beforeliftoff at 1242 GMT (8:42 a.m. EDT). The European Space Operations Centerin Germany will also give its “go” or “no go” for launch at this time.Herschel will be transitioned to internal power about 15 minutes prior tolaunch and Planck will be running off of internal power by the 11-minutepoint in the countdown.Computers will begin controlling the countdown about seven minutes priorto launch. The synchronized launch sequence governs a fast-paced series ofautomated events, including fuel tank pressurization, transitioning therocket and payloads to internal power, and taking systems to flight mode.The first stage Vulcain 2 engine will ignite as the countdown clockreaches zero. Computers will give the engine a health check before sendingthe command to ignite the Ariane 5’s twin solid rocket boosters aboutseven seconds later, committing the rocket to flight.

  831. Moncler Handbags Says:

    Posted: December 4, 2007T-00:00LiftoffThe Delta 2 rocket’s main engine and twin vernier steering thrusters are started moments before launch. The four strap-on solid rocket motors are ignited at T-0 to begin the mission.T+01:04.0SRB BurnoutThe ground-start Alliant TechSystems-built solid rocket motors consume all their propellant and burn out.T+01:22.5Jettison SRBsThe spent solid rocket boosters are jettisoned to fall into the Pacific Ocean. The spent casings remained attached until the vehicle passed into preset drop zone, clear of offshore oil platforms.T+01:25.0Begin Dog-legAfter initially flying from Vandenberg along a 196-degree flight azimuth, the rocket begins steering itself to obtain the desired orbital inclination. This dog-leg maneuver continues for 35 seconds.T+04:24.0Main Engine CutoffAfter consuming its RP-1 fuel and liquid oxygen, the Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne RS-27A first stage main engine is shut down. The vernier engines cut off moments later.T+04:32.0Stage SeparationThe Delta rocket’s first stage is separated now, having completed its job. The spent stage will fall into the Pacific Ocean.T+04:37.5Second Stage IgnitionWith the stage jettisoned, the rocket’s second stage takes over. The Aerojet AJ118-K liquid-fueled engine ignites for the first of two firings needed to place the COSMO 2 spacecraft into the proper orbit.T+04:41.5Jettison Payload FairingThe 10-foot diameter payload fairing that protected the COSMO 2 cargo atop the Delta 2 during the atmospheric ascent is jettisoned is two halves.T+11:25.1Second Stage Cutoff 1The second stage engine shuts down to complete its first firing of the launch. The rocket and attached spacecraft are now in a long coast period before the second stage reignites. The orbit achieved should be 348 nautical miles at apogee, 100 miles at perigee and inclined 97.8 degrees.T+53:27.0Second Stage RestartDelta’s second stage engine reignites for a short firing to raise the orbit’s perigee.T+53:39.4Second Stage Cutoff 2The second stage shuts down after a 12-second burn. The orbit achieved should be 341.0 nautical miles at apogee, 334.7 miles at perigee and inclined 97.86 degrees.T+58:00.0Payload SeparationThe Italian COSMO-SkyMed radar Earth-imaging satellite is released from the Delta 2 rocket, completing the launch.Data source: ULA.Final Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is now available in our store. Get this piece of history!STS-134 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Endeavour is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-134. Available in our store!Ares 1-X PatchThe official embroidered patch for the Ares 1-X rocket test flight, is available for purchase.Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.Project OrionThe Orion crew exploration vehicle is NASA’s first new human spacecraft developed since the space shuttle a quarter-century earlier. The capsule is one of the key elements of returning astronauts to the Moon.Fallen Heroes Patch CollectionThe official patches from Apollo 1, the shuttle Challenger and Columbia crews are available in the store. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Delta 334 launch timelineSPACEFLIGHT NOW

  832. Camrose Parka Says:

    Posted: December 1, 2004T-0:00:05.5Engine startThe three Rocketdyne RS-68 main engines begin to ignite as the liquid hydrogen fuel valves are opened, creating a large fireball at the base of the rocket. The engines powers up to full thrust of 102% for a computer-controlled checkout before liftoff.T-0:00:00.0LiftoffThe hold-down bolts are released and the inaugural flight of Boeing’s Delta 4-Heavy rocket is underway from Cape Canaveral’s pad 37B. The three umbilical swing arms extending from the launch pad tower retract from the rocket at T-0 seconds.T+0:00:50.0Begin engine throttlingThe center Common Booster Core engine throttles down to 58% thrust over the next five seconds. The booster stage conserves fuel while the outer two CBCs remain at full throttle.T+0:01:20.9Max-QThe vehicle experiences the region of maximum dynamic pressure. The rocket hits Mach 1 about three seconds later as the three liquid hydrogen/liquid oxygen engines continue to fire.T+0:02:33.0Roll maneuverThe rocket begins a 50-second roll maneuver to a “wings-level” orientation as it heads downrange, arcing over the Atlantic.T+0:03:54.7Outer CBC throttlingWith engine shutdown coming up for the outer Common Booster Cores, the RS-68 powerplants start throttling down from 102 percent. They will achieve a 58 percent throttle in five seconds.T+0:04:05.3Outer CBC shutdownThe engines on the two outer Common Booster Cores complete their firings and shut down.T+0:04:08.4Outer CBC jettisonThe outer Common Booster Cores separate from the center stage to fall into the Atlantic Ocean.T+0:04:09.3Engine throttle upAfter operating at minimum throttle for the past three minutes, the center Common Booster Core’s RS-68 main engine revs up to 102% power.T+0:05:17.0Engine throttle downThe center Common Booster Core throttles its engine down again to 58% to prepare for shutdown.T+0:05:33.4Main engine cutoffThe center CBC has consumed all of its fuel and the RS-68 engine cuts off.T+0:05:41.0Stage separationThe Common Booster Core first stage and the attached interstage are separated in one piece from the Delta 4’s upper stage. The upper stage engine’s extendible nozzle drops into position as the first stage separates.T+0:05:54.4Second stage ignitionThe upper stage begins the first of several firings using its Pratt & Whitney RL10B-2 liquid hydrogen/liquid oxygen engine to reach the desired orbit for the DemoSat spacecraft payload.T+0:06:04.5Nose cone jettisonThe five-meter diameter payload fairing that protected the DemoSat cargo atop the Delta 4 during the atmospheric ascent is no longer needed, allowing it to be jettisoned in two halves.T+0:12:47.8Upper stage shutdownThe RL10 upper stage engine shuts down to complete its first firing of the launch. The rocket and attached satellite reach a parking orbit of 99.94 by 134.8 nautical miles with an inclination of 28.8 degrees.T+0:15:45.0Nanosat sep signalThe command is issued to deploy the two university-built Nanosat spacecraft mounted to the side of DemoSat. The tiny nanosats physically separate at T+plus 16:23.0.T+0:20:29.5Restart upper stageThe upper stage reignites its RL10 engine to begin the trek from the initial parking orbit around Earth to the targeted geosynchronous orbit.T+0:28:31.6Upper stage shutdownThe second burn by the upper stage is completed with the new orbit achieved featuring a high point of 19,651 nautical miles, low point of 148.4 nautical miles and inclination of 27.3 degrees. The rocket begins a multi-hour coast through space to reach apogee where another engine burn will occur to circularize the orbit.T+5:37:13.0Restart upper stageThe upper stage restarts its cryogenic engine to finish the task of boosting DemoSat into the intended orbit.T+5:40:27.3Upper stage shutdownThe powered phase of the Delta 4-Heavy’s demonstration mission concludes. The upper stage begins using thrusters to orient itself to the proper payload deployment attitude.T+5:49:37.5Spacecraft separationThe DemoSat satellite simulator is released from the Delta 4-Heavy rocket’s upper stage, completing the vehicle’s test flight. The targeted orbit is circular at 19,623 nautical miles with an inclination of 10 degrees.Data source: Boeing.Gemini 12Gemini 12: The NASA Mission Reports covers the voyage of James Lovell and Buzz Aldrin that capped the Gemini program’s efforts to prove the technologies and techniques that would be needed for the Apollo Moon landings. Includes CD-ROM.Choose your store: - - - STS-134 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Endeavour is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-134. Available in our store!Final Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is now available in our store. Get this piece of history!Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.STS-133 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Discovery is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-133. Available in our store!Anniversary Shuttle PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!This embroidered patch commemorates the 30th anniversary of the Space Shuttle Program. The design features the space shuttle Columbia’s historic maiden flight of April 12, 1981.Mercury anniversaryFree shipping to U.S. addresses!Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Alan Shephard’s historic Mercury mission with this collectors’ item, the official commemorative embroidered patch.Ferryflight Shuttle PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!”The Final Mission” - NASA emblem developed for the Shuttle Carrier Aircraft crew and their support teams to deliver the orbiters to their final destinations at museums. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Delta 4-Heavy fires aloftThe first operational Delta 4-Heavy rocket blasts away from Cape Canaveral’s Complex 37 at 8:50 p.m. EST carrying the 23rd and final Defense Support Program missile warning satellite for the U.S. Air Force.Photo credit: Ben Cooper/Spaceflight Now Credit: Ben Cooper/Spaceflight NowJohn Glenn Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The historic first orbital flight by an American is marked by this commemorative patch for John Glenn and Friendship 7.Final Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is available in our store. Get this piece of history!Celebrate the shuttle programFree shipping to U.S. addresses!This special commemorative patch marks the retirement of NASA’s Space Shuttle Program. Available in our store!Anniversary Shuttle PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!This embroidered patch commemorates the 30th anniversary of the Space Shuttle Program. The design features the space shuttle Columbia’s historic maiden flight of April 12, 1981.Mercury anniversaryFree shipping to U.S. addresses!Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Alan Shephard’s historic Mercury mission with this collectors’ item, the official commemorative embroidered patch.Fallen Heroes Patch CollectionThe official patches from Apollo 1, the shuttle Challenger and Columbia crews are available in the store. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Delta 4-Heavy hits snag on test flight SPACEFLIGHT NOWPosted: December 22, 2004The test launch of Boeing’s Delta 4-Heavy rocket began with a breath-taking blastoff from Cape Canaveral Tuesday afternoon but lower-than-expected performance during the initial minutes of flight ultimately caused the mission to fall short of its intended orbit. Nonetheless, Boeing officials called the demonstration flight a success. The Boeing Delta 4-Heavy rocket ignites. Credit: Gene Blevins/LA Daily NewsThe 23-story rocket roared to life while enveloped in a hellish fire at pad 37B as free hydrogen from the three Rocketdyne RS-68 engines ignited. As the countdown reached zero, a dozen bolts that held the rocket to the pad for the past year popped and the 1.6-million pound vehicle thundered into a clear blue sky at 4:50 p.m. EST (2150 GMT).The highly complex launcher, which takes three so-called Common Booster Cores and strapped them together to create a powerful triple-body rocket, ascended atop three pillars of super-hot golden flame, flickering more than 20-stories long.Gulping three tons of propellant per second, the engines won the battle against gravity to blast the rocket away from Earth as the powerplants raged at full throttle. Nearly four minutes after liftoff, tracking cameras following the launch showed the starboard and port boosters shut down their engines and peel away from the rocket’s core. But the engine cutoff and subsequent booster separation came about 8 seconds prematurely, based on the advertised timeline.After the center booster finished firing and dropped away, the cryogenic upper stage of the Delta 4-Heavy ignited for what was supposed to be a 7-minute firing to reach an initial parking orbit around Earth. As the scheduled completion time for that burn came and went, there were indications that something was not right. The upper stage was being forced to fire much longer than anticipated to make up for a performance shortfall earlier in the launch.The unplanned overtime firing used fuel needed for later burns to reach geosynchronous orbit. The stage’s final burn Tuesday evening was supposed to last three minutes and 14 seconds to inject its cargo into the desired orbit, but the motor ran out of fuel before completing the maneuver.”I don’t know the exact, final orbit or how much shorter the final burn was. We’re going to look at the data and get those answers,” Boeing vice president for Expendable Launch Systems, Dan Collins, said in an interview Tuesday night.Collins said it was too early to say exactly what triggered the performance shortfall.”We’re going to have to dig in to know for sure. I’m going to hold off comment until we have a chance to look at it in the morning. It’s been a relatively long day. From the data we have seen, we are have high confidence that we are going to be able to track this down and make whatever adjustments are necessary. But you want to give it a day or so of looking at the data.”The Air Force awarded Boeing a $141 million contract to conduct this demonstration flight of the Delta 4-Heavy as a means of testing the rocket before critical national security payloads begin flying aboard the vehicle. Two operational launches are scheduled for August and December 2005 carrying the final Defense Support Program missile warning satellite and a classified National Reconnaissance Office payload, respectively.”I’ve spent the entire day with our customer…I can tell you we’ve got a very, very happy customer. We demonstrated all phases of this mission and we got a huge amount of data that allows us to move forward with high confidence towards the DSP mission next summer,” Collins said. “I can’t put words in the customer’s mouth but everybody in the Mission Director’s Center characterized the demonstration mission as really a truly great success. Our objective in this launch was to gather data and run through the entire mission profile. From that respect, we had a great day and a great flight. it is going take some data review for us to know exactly where we ended up.” The Boeing Delta 4-Heavy rocket flies downrange on the power of its three Rocketdyne RS-68 main engines. Credit: Gene Blevins/LA Daily NewsThis was the fourth launch of the Delta 4 rocket family, which Boeing created as part of the Air Force’s Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle program for next-generation vehicles to loft government payloads over the next two decades. The Delta 4, which has flown previously in its medium-lift configuration with just one Common Booster Core, is joined in the EELV stable with Lockheed Martin’s Atlas 5.Tuesday’s launch featured a 13,383-pound instrumented satellite mockup, called DemoSat, as the rocket’s main payload. The 6-foot tall, 4.5-foot diameter shiny aluminum barrel was filled with 60 brass rods for ballast. Sensors on the satellite collected data on the vibrations, temperatures and pressures during ascent, plus measure the shock felt at separation. Hitching a ride on the side of DemoSat was a pair of nanosatellites nicknamed Ralphie and Sparky. Built in collaboration between Arizona State University, New Mexico State University and the University of Colorado at Boulder, the canister-like nanosats were originally supposed to launch aboard a space shuttle mission in 2003. But the Columbia accident and grounding of the shuttle fleet led to the Air Force proposing an alternate route to orbit on Delta 4. The nanosats were deployed but their status was not immediately known. They were to operate for a day, conducting imaging, micropropulsion and intersatellite communications experiments before tumbling into the atmosphere.The Air Force decided to finance the test flight and not fly a real satellite after it became clear there wouldn’t be a commercial customer to purchase the inaugural launch.”The original strategy for demonstrating the Heavy capability was to utilize the perceived burgeoning commercial market. In 1998, this vehicle would have been a big player in what was projected back in those times. So the Air Force was in a great position. They were going to be able to benefit from the commercial launches,” Collins said. “When that commercial launch market started to go away and signs that it wasn’t going to allow the demonstration to happen, the Air Force stepped in and said ‘hey, we’ve got some important payloads to go. We want to get data before we put those on top of the rocket.’ So they came in and purchased an amendment to the development of the contract for this mission.” Besides future military missions, Delta 4-Heavy is being studied along with Atlas 5, space shuttle-derived concepts and completely new space vehicles to launch missions in NASA’s Vision for Space Exploration that aims to return astronauts to the moon and ultimately send the first humans to Mars. The Delta 4-Heavy is capable of delivering 48,000 pounds of cargo into low-Earth orbits, including that of the International Space Station, 28,000 pounds into geosynchronous transfer orbit used by communications satellites, 22,000 pounds for Trans Lunar Injection routes to the moon and 17,600 pounds on Mars-bound trajectories. “The biggest help we’re being at this point is by providing (NASA) information about the system, what its growth possibilities are, where its limitations are, so that they have the best set of data to match up with planning an overall exploration program,” Collins said of Boeing’s ongoing discussions with NASA. “We’re working hard with them but really in an information exchange situation and helping them get educated and smart on what the existing Delta capabilities are and then how Delta can grow.” Additional coverage for subscribers:VIDEO:FROM LIFTOFF TO BOOSTER SEPARATION VIDEO:THE DELTA 4-HEAVY LAUNCH (SHORT VERSION) VIDEO:ONBOARD CAMERA RECORDS LAUNCH VIDEO:ONBOARD CAMERA SEES BOOSTER SEPARATION VIDEO:ONBOARD CAMERA CAPTURES FAIRING JETTISON AUDIO:LISTEN TO THE 68-MINUTE PRE-LAUNCH NEWS CONFERENCE VIDEO:ANIMATION PROVIDES PREVIEW OF A DELTA 4-HEAVY LAUNCH VIDEO:RE-LIVE THE INAUGURAL DELTA 4 LAUNCH FROM 2002 VIDEO:ON-PAD FLIGHT READINESS ENGINE FIRING TEST VIDEO:TAKE TOUR OF LAUNCH PAD 37B Soviet SpaceFor the first time ever available in the West. Rocket & Space Corporation Energia: a complete pictorial history of the Soviet/Russian Space Program from 1946 to the present day all in full color. Available from our store.Choose your store: - - - Viking patchThis embroidered mission patch celebrates NASA’s Viking Project which reached the Red Planet in 1976.Choose your store: - - - Apollo 7 DVDFor 11 days the crew of Apollo 7 fought colds while they put the Apollo spacecraft through a workout, establishing confidence in the machine what would lead directly to the bold decision to send Apollo 8 to the moon just 2 months later. Choose your store: - - - Gemini 12Gemini 12: The NASA Mission Reports covers the voyage of James Lovell and Buzz Aldrin that capped the Gemini program’s efforts to prove the technologies and techniques that would be needed for the Apollo Moon landings. Includes CD-ROM.Choose your store: - - - Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.Apollo patchesThe Apollo Patch Collection: Includes all 12 Apollo mission patches plus the Apollo Program Patch. Save over 20% off the Individual price.Choose your store: - - - Apollo 12 tribute DVD setNew!Featuring the jovial crew of Pete Conrad, Dick Gordon and Alan Bean, the Apollo 12 mission was struck by lightning shortly after liftoff but proceeded on the second successful exploration voyage to the lunar surface. This three-disc DVD brings the mission to life with extraordinary detail.Choose your store: - - - Fallen Heroes special patchThis special 12-inch embroidered patch commemorates the U.S. astronauts who made the ultimate sacrifice, honoring the crews of Apollo 1, Challenger and Columbia.Choose your store: - - - Women in SpaceWomen of Space: Cool Careers on the Final Frontier is for girls, young women, and anyone else interested in learning about exciting careers in space exploration. Includes CD-ROM.Choose your store: - - - Mars rover posterThis new poster features some of the best pictures from NASA’s amazing Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity.Choose your store: | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Delta 4-Heavy investigation identifies rocket’s problem SPACEFLIGHT NOWPosted: March 16, 2005CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - The inaugural Boeing Delta 4-Heavy rocket suffered premature engine shutdowns during its December test launch because of bubbles in the liquid oxygen plumbing, investigators have concluded, and now corrective measures are being devised to prevent a repeat problem during the next launch in October. The Boeing Delta 4-Heavy rocket launches from Cape Canaveral on its test flight. Credit: Boeing photo by Carleton BailieThe three engines were snuffed out several seconds early after internal sensors were fooled into believing the liquid oxygen fuel supply had been expended. That left the rocket with a massive underspeed in which the vehicle’s upper stage could not overcome and resulted in a final orbit lower than planned.”The root cause of the anomaly has been identified as a fluid cavitation within the liquid oxygen feed system,” the Air Force said Wednesday in announcing the investigation’s findings.The cavitation, or bubbling, is a localized condition where the super-cold oxidizer changed from liquid to vapor within the feed lines running from the rocket’s tanks to engines.The Delta 4-Heavy is the largest member in Boeing’s next-generation rocket family. It takes three Common Booster Cores, each featuring a cryogenic main engine, and straps them together to form a vehicle capable of launching hefty cargos into space.Trouble on trip to spaceThe three Common Booster Cores were ignited during the final seconds of the December 21 countdown, generating 1.9-million pounds of thrust to propel the 23-story rocket away from pad 37B at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida. It was meant to be a full dress rehearsal flight — with only a dummy payload aboard — to test the rocket before critical national security satellites begin using the vehicle later this year.About 50 seconds into flight, the center booster’s main engine throttled back to 58 percent thrust as a fuel conservation effort. The starboard and port boosters continued to operate at their maximum power setting of 102 percent thrust, each guzzling a ton of propellant per second. The strap-on boosters were scheduled to fire until T+plus 4 minutes, 5 seconds when the Rocketdyne-made RS-68 engine on each stage would cut off. About three seconds later, the 15-story starboard and port boosters, which provided the vast majority of thrust during the first four minutes of flight, would peel away from the center stage and tumble into the Atlantic Ocean below. But the engines shut down 8 seconds early after sensors temporarily indicated “dry” fuel conditions despite the stages having plenty of propellant remaining to accomplish the scheduled firing time. The sensors returned to “wet” readings after the shutdown sequence was already activated. Once the outer boosters were shed, the center stage’s RS-68 engine revved back to full throttle. Although the booster was identical to the outer strap-on stages, carrying the same propellant supply and engine package, it employed a more conservative fuel consumption strategy by the lower-throttle setting for the past three minutes and saved enough propellant to operate almost 90 seconds longer. But the same sensor “phenomenon” repeated on the center booster, causing its engine to shut down 9 seconds prematurely, according to investigators. The Boeing Delta 4-Heavy rocket launches from Cape Canaveral on its test flight. Credit: Boeing photo by Carleton BailieAfter the center booster had been jettisoned, the Delta 4-Heavy rocket’s upper stage found itself with a speed deficit of 1,500 feet/second due to the early shutdowns of the main engines. The upper stage ignited for the first of three firings planned over the 6-hour mission to geosynchronous orbit. That first burn of the Pratt & Whitney RL10 upper stage engine was supposed to last seven minutes to reach an initial parking orbit around Earth where a pair of university-built nanosatellites would be released into space. The rocket motor was designed to extend its firing time to compensate for any performance shortfalls experienced by the Common Booster Cores, and it did that. But even though the stage fired much longer than planned it still failed to reach a stable orbit, deploying the nanosats into a suborbital trajectory that took them into the atmosphere before completing a lap around the planet. The upper stage then reignited for its second scheduled burn, shaping the rocket’s track into a highly elliptical egg-shaped geosynchronous transfer orbit. It was in this orbit that the vehicle coasted for five hours to reach the high point about 19,600 nautical miles above the planet where the final engine blast would occur. This firing should have lasted three minutes to circularize the orbit. However, the stage’s precious fuel supply was greatly impacted by the extended maneuvers battling back from the Common Booster Core problem. The stage ran out of fuel about two-thirds of the way through the burn, leaving the instrumented satellite simulator payload — the rocket’s main cargo for this test flight — with an orbit featuring a high point of 19,600 nautical miles (36,400 km), low point of 9,600 nautical miles (19,000 km) and inclination of 13.5 degrees. The orbit’s low point was 10,000 miles off the target and inclination was 3.5 degrees higher than planned. Tracking down the glitchEach Common Booster Core has a large liquid hydrogen tank and a much smaller liquid oxygen tank for its RS-68 engine. The liquid oxygen tank is located at the top of each rocket stage, with a long feedline running down the booster’s side to reach the engine.”Analyses show that the cavitation originated at the entrance of the propellant feedline, where a filtration screen and turning elbow restrict the propellant flow as it accelerates leaving the tank. This feedline restriction has been present in all previous Delta 4 flights, but the unique combination of vehicle acceleration, liquid level in the tank, and propellant flow rate for this mission, reduced the fluid pressure enough to enable the creation of gaseous oxygen at this location as the tanks emptied,” Wednesday’s Air Force statement said.”Further draining of the liquid oxygen tank worsened the conditions at the feedline inlet, causing the cavitation effect to extend down the feedline until it reached the liquid depletion sensors and caused them to momentarily toggle ‘dry.’ This action was sensed by the flight computer, which initiated the sequence to throttle-down and shut off the main engines as it is programmed to do. Flight data shows that sufficient propellant remained in the tank to complete the planned first stage burn time.”A Fault Tree analysis was used to examine potential causes of the problem, including propulsion, avionics, structures and flight environments. Forty-nine of 50 Fault Tree branches were “closed” after being ruled not credible.”All closures were thoroughly documented, citing multiple sources of supporting evidence drawn from flight data, a range of focused technical analyses and computer simulation results,” the Air Force said.Other propellant phenomena like sloshing and “vapor pull-through” were analyzed and determined to be highly unlikely.”This investigation has followed a deliberate process to ensure no potential causes were missed,” said Maj. Rod Houser, investigation lead for the Air Force. “Our attention is now focused on the final open branch of the Fault Tree dealing with cavitation within the liquid oxygen feed system.” The Boeing Delta 4-Heavy rocket launches from Cape Canaveral on its test flight. Credit: Boeing photo by Carleton BailieEngineers have spent the past two months examining various scenarios to explain the cavitation occurring in the region near the engine cut-off sensors.”Our team used computer models to simulate the flow in the liquid oxygen feedline between the bottom of the propellant tank and the engine cut-off sensors, approximately five feet downstream,” said Mark Baldwin, Boeing’s Delta propulsion analysis manager.”The team enhanced its simulation models incrementally to include the more complex internal features of the liquid oxygen tank and feedline. Simulation runs have been completed with the higher fidelity models, resulting in an increasingly accurate simulation of the flow conditions experienced during the Heavy demonstration flight. These conditions correlated well with measurements taken by the sensors onboard the vehicle.”Boeing is examining options to fix the bubbling problem. Throughout this month, additional computer simulations are being performed to fully analyze the liquid oxygen flow between the bottom of the tanks and the engine cut-off sensors to assist in picking and verifying the corrective actions, the Air Force said.”Boeing is evaluating future missions across its Delta 4 family of launch vehicles so that adequate margin for cavitation exists under the worst case conditions,” a company spokesman said. “Cavitation margin adjustments, if required, can be made by changing the flight profile to throttle the RS-68 earlier, and can also be made by pressurizing the oxygen tank to a higher ullage pressure later in flight.”Boeing is scheduled to launch the GOES N civilian weather satellite from Cape Canaveral atop a Delta 4-Medium rocket on May 4. A Medium vehicle uses just one Common Booster Core — a configuration that has flown three times without fault.That will be followed by the first Delta 4 launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, also flying in the Medium version. It is targeted for late August to loft a classified National Reconnaissance Office Payload.The first operational Delta 4-Heavy with a real satellite payload is planned for late October when the 23rd and final Defense Support Program missile-warning spacecraft is launched directly into geostationary orbit.Additional coverage for subscribers:VIDEO:SPACEFLIGHT NOW LAUNCH PAD CAMERA 1 VIDEO:SPACEFLIGHT NOW LAUNCH PAD CAMERA 2 VIDEO:FROM LIFTOFF TO BOOSTER SEPARATION VIDEO:THE DELTA 4-HEAVY LAUNCH (SHORT VERSION) VIDEO:ONBOARD CAMERA RECORDS LAUNCH VIDEO:ONBOARD CAMERA SEES BOOSTER SEPARATION VIDEO:ONBOARD CAMERA CAPTURES FAIRING JETTISON AUDIO:LISTEN TO THE 68-MINUTE PRE-LAUNCH NEWS CONFERENCE VIDEO:ANIMATION PROVIDES PREVIEW OF A DELTA 4-HEAVY LAUNCH VIDEO:RE-LIVE THE INAUGURAL DELTA 4 LAUNCH FROM 2002 VIDEO:ON-PAD FLIGHT READINESS ENGINE FIRING TEST VIDEO:TAKE TOUR OF LAUNCH PAD 37B Columbia ReportA reproduction of the official accident investigation report into the loss of the space shuttle Columbia and its crew of seven. Choose your store: - - - Mars PanoramaDISCOUNTED! This 360 degree image was taken by the Mars Pathfinder, which landed on the Red Planet in July 1997. The Sojourner Rover is visible in the image. Choose your store:Apollo 11 Mission ReportApollo 11 - The NASA Mission Reports Vol. 3 is the first comprehensive study of man’s first mission to another world is revealed in all of its startling complexity. Includes DVD!Choose your store: - - - Rocket DVDIf you’ve ever watched a launch from Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, Vandenberg Air Force Base or even Kodiak Island Alaska, there’s no better way to describe what you witnessed than with this DVD.Choose your store: - - - Ferryflight Shuttle PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!”The Final Mission” - NASA emblem developed for the Shuttle Carrier Aircraft crew and their support teams to deliver the orbiters to their final destinations at museums.An insider’s view of how Apollo flight controllers operated and just what they faced when events were crucial. Choose your store: Apollo 12 tribute DVD setNew!Featuring the jovial crew of Pete Conrad, Dick Gordon and Alan Bean, the Apollo 12 mission was struck by lightning shortly after liftoff but proceeded on the second successful exploration voyage to the lunar surface. This three-disc DVD brings the mission to life with extraordinary detail.Choose your store: - - - Fallen Heroes special patchThis special 12-inch embroidered patch commemorates the U.S. astronauts who made the ultimate sacrifice, honoring the crews of Apollo 1, Challenger and Columbia.Choose your store: - - - Women in SpaceWomen of Space: Cool Careers on the Final Frontier is for girls, young women, and anyone else interested in learning about exciting careers in space exploration. Includes CD-ROM.Choose your store: - - - Mars rover posterThis new poster features some of the best pictures from NASA’s amazing Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity.Choose your store: | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Delta 4-Heavy ready to serve nation from West Coast pad SPACEFLIGHT NOWPosted: January 19, 2011 Ever since the final Titan 4 rocket soared over the horizon from Vandenberg Air Force Base five years ago, the nation lacked the ability to deploy the largest of reconnaissance satellites into polar orbits from the West Coast. But that gap will be closed this week when the modernized replacement makes its California debut.Space Launch Complex 6 completely encloses the Delta 4-Heavy rocket during pre-flight preparations. Credit: Justin Ray/Spaceflight NowThe Delta 4-Heavy rocket, made by United Launch Alliance, is scheduled for liftoff Thursday at 1:08 p.m. PST (4:08 p.m. EST; 2108 GMT) from Space Launch Complex 6.The booster is carrying a massive spy satellite like the ones the Titans used to deploy before those rockets were in 2005.When the country’s lead agency for operating intelligence-gathering spacecraft, the National Reconnaissance Office, ordered another big satellite, plans were set in motion to bring the Delta 4-Heavy to Vandenberg. The western spaceport is the nation’s launch site for sending surveillance craft into polar orbits to observe nearly all of the planet’s surface.The SLC-6 pad at Vandenberg, built to support the space shuttles, was ideal for accommodating the Delta 4-Heavy. But engineers liken the complicated machine to launching three rockets at once, and an enhancement to the ground servicing systems was necessary.”We spent the good part of three years…upgrading the launch pad and the base infrastructure, in total more than $100 million in infrastructure improvements,” said Lt. Col. Brady Hauboldt, the Air Force launch director and Vandenberg’s 4th Space Launch Squadron commander.”Most recently over the past year we’ve completed all pad activation and first article testing with that launch vehicle in place to ensure missionsuccess.”The Delta 4-Heavy stands atop SLC-6. Credit: Justin Ray/Spaceflight NowThe Delta 4-Heavy is created by taking three Common Booster Cores — the liquid hydrogen-fueled motor that forms a Delta 4-Medium’s first stage — and strapping them together to form a triple-barrel rocket, then adding a cryogenic upper stage. The combined punch can propel about 50,000 pounds of cargo into polar orbit.Supplying those four stages with the supercold fluids and commodities, keeping the payload comfortable with conditioned air and the special hardware for servicing the 23-story rocket were among the changes made to the site.After hosting a pair of medium-class Delta 4 rocket launches in and , approval for the Heavy modification work came on December 1, 2006, kicking off a design and analysis period that went to July 2007. Ordering of equipment, fabrication and assembly, the installation and the testing stretched from March 2007 to July 2010.”(SLC-6) wasn’t sized or configured to support the Heavy variant, and that decision goes back quite a few years. In fact, I was at the Pentagon when those decisions were being made. It’s ironic now that I get to come back and implement them,” said Hauboldt.Tail service masts await installation on the launch table in this picture taken in June 2008. Credit: Chris Miller/Spaceflight NowMore than 835 parts were bought from over 280 suppliers and 35 contractors, and 370 United Launch Alliance employees and hired labor worked on the pad upgrade, according to Jim Boyle, ULA site director at SLC-6.”We’re modifying existing systems that were already here, just adding the capacity in many cases to handle three-of-things, three Common Booster Cores. But it was an extensive effort, took over three years,” said Boyle.”We had very to little to do with the actual structure of the pad — the concrete, the launch table. It was mostly being able to provide the ability to service.”The specific changes included:Installing box-shaped structures, called tail service masts, to route power, data, gases and the vacuum-jacketed liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen lines to the bottoms of the outboard rocket stages.Helium and gaseous nitrogen supply and system upgrades to feed the bigger rocket.Propulsion system mods in the pad’s pneumatics room and launch mount.Enhancing the pad’s air conditioning unit and the environmental control system ducts to the rocket.Equipping the launch pad’s lower swing arm with umbilicals to interface with the outboard boosters.Adding an upward extension to the top swing arm for providing air conditioning to the nose cone and payload.Adjusting access platforms inside the mobile service gantry.Installing a backup generator to power the extra ground support equipment.Equipping the pad with cooling water and hydrogen burnoff sparklers for the outboard boosters’ main engines.And, late in the program, an auxiliary liquid oxygen storage tank was added to give the launch team a capability for multiple countdowns without needing to replenish reserves.The other substantial effort involved analyzing the sound and rumble the Delta 4-Heavy will created during its slow ascent off the pad.”There’s been some extensive vibration — noise — analysis done to look at how the unique Vandenberg terrain effects the payload and the launch vehicle electronics,” Hauboldt said.”Launching a Heavy out of here makes a lot more acoustics, makes a lot more vibrations than a Medium, so we had to go make sure that not only the pad but the rocket could handle those different environments,” Boyle added.The rocket was constructed at ULA’s factory in Decatur, Alabama. In mid-August 2009, the three booster cores and upper stage were loaded into ocean-going Delta Mariner vessel for a month-long, 4,000+ mile trip through the Panama Canal and around to Vandenberg.After late-September 2009 at the harbor once envisioned for receiving the space shuttle fuel tank barge, the first West Coast Heavy rolled onto California soil and moved up the road to SLC-6 over a three-day period.The Horizontal Integration Facility at the complex is the garage-like hangar were the rocket stages were attached together and tested to verify the Heavy was prepared for the launch pad.While that assembly work was going on, pad-readiness tests were being run to ensure the site would give the rocket a warm welcome in early 2010.The Delta 4-Heavy rolls to the SLC-6 pad in January 2010. Credit: ULA videoRiding horizontally on a motorized hauler, the 184,000-pound rocket was where hydraulic pistons pushed the vehicle atop the pad on January 29.The rest of the year was spent doing exhaustive testing to operate pad systems with the rocket and uncover problems that could be fixed before the real countdown on launch day.”It was an incredibly busy summer, practically like having several otherlaunch campaigns going simultaneously,” Hauboldt said.”It included two tanking tests and numerous wet dress rehearsals to get us comfortable with the systems and configurations. We also had several crew rehearsals to ensure the team was similarly prepared for day of launch. We’ve exercised our new gaseous nitrogen plant extensively. We’ve had logistics demonstrations, security demonstrations. The 30th Space Wing has really gone above and beyond to make sure that everything is in place and ready to go for day of launch.”So now the stage is set for liftoff on Thursday, a critical mission carrying a clandestine satellite for the National Reconnaissance Office and the country’s intelligence analysts.”Bringing a new launch vehicle configuration into Space Launch Complex 6isn’t as simple as stacking a new rocket. Although it’s a Delta 4, the Heavyconfiguration required substantial modification and resizing to handleessentially three rockets on the pad at the same time,” Hauboldt said.”This Delta 4-Heavy is the first-of-its-kind national capability here at Vandenberg. We don’t currently have this ability to launch any heavy satellites into polar orbit. The Delta 4-Heavy upgrades that we’ve done at SLC-6 as well as bringing the rocket out here allow us to put satellites of that type into orbit to support our downrange customers.”John Glenn Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The historic first orbital flight by an American is marked by this commemorative patch for John Glenn and Friendship 7.Final Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is available in our store. Get this piece of history!Celebrate the shuttle programFree shipping to U.S. addresses!This special commemorative patch marks the retirement of NASA’s Space Shuttle Program. Available in our store!Anniversary Shuttle PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!This embroidered patch commemorates the 30th anniversary of the Space Shuttle Program. The design features the space shuttle Columbia’s historic maiden flight of April 12, 1981.Mercury anniversaryFree shipping to U.S. addresses!Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Alan Shephard’s historic Mercury mission with this collectors’ item, the official commemorative embroidered patch.Fallen Heroes Patch CollectionThe official patches from Apollo 1, the shuttle Challenger and Columbia crews are available in the store. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Delta 4-Heavy rocket fires away from Cape Canaveral SPACEFLIGHT NOWPosted: November 11, 2007It is America’s largest unmanned space booster. Its level of complexity causes engineers to liken it to launching three rockets at one time. And its fiery blastoffs create a dazzling yet heart-in-your-throat sight. Now, the mammoth Delta 4-Heavy has entered operational service with Saturday night’s successful ascent carrying a critical surveillance satellite. Credit: Ben Cooper/Spaceflight NowTowering more than 230 feet tall and packing nearly two million pounds of thrust from its three hydrogen-fueled main engines, this rocket is built to loft big payloads. And the roomy nose cone offers spacious accommodations for exceptionally large spacecraft.The Delta 4-Heavy’s characteristics make it well suited for launching a Defense Support Program (DSP) missile warning satellite into geosynchronous orbit 22,300 miles above the planet.But in its lone previous flight three years ago, the Heavy encountered an unexpected problem within its fuel lines, causing the engines to snuff out a few seconds early and leaving the rocket well short of the intended orbit. That December 2004 launch was only a test, an Air Force-financed demonstration flight designed to uncover the unknown flaws in the system before expensive and vital national security payloads were entrusted to the big booster.”It’s always better to find a problem than to have a latent and yet-to-be-discovered (problem). That’s part of why we considered the Heavy demo such a success. It was a very subtle problem, but we found it and we fixed it,” said Col. Jim Planeaux, the Delta group commander at the Space and Missile Systems Center.The test rocket was outfitted with vast amounts of data-collecting sensors to understand all aspects of the ascent, leading to some other changes before the first operational launch. Credit: Ben Cooper/Spaceflight Now”We took a lot of readings on accelerations, vibrations, acoustics in the various compartments of the vehicle. In a few cases (we) determined that they were higher than we expected and we either modified the hardware slightly or moved some of the components to a more benign environment. We finished all of those (modifications) late last year, and we’re very comfortable with the vehicle we’ve got.”Rocket-maker United Launch Alliance and the Air Force, both confident that the Heavy was ready for a real mission, fired off the rocket from Cape Canaveral in Florida at 8:50 p.m. EST (0150 GMT) Saturday evening.Hidden inside the long metallic nose cone rode the Defense Support Program 23 spacecraft, the last in a series of eye-in-the-sky satellites designed to spot enemy missile launches and nuclear explosions. DSP satellites have been flying since November 1970, rocketing into orbit aboard various versions of now-retired Titan rockets and the space shuttle. This final one — DSP 23 — has been waiting more than two years for the new Heavy to hoist it into space.The Delta 4-Heavy is created by taking three Common Booster Cores — the liquid hydrogen-fueled motor that forms a Delta 4-Medium’s first stage — and strapping them together to form a three-wide rocket, and then adding the powerful upper stage.Each 15-story booster core features a Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne RS-68 main engine that generates 650,000 pounds of thrust while burning supercold liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen propellants. The cryogenic upper stage has the Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne RL10B-2 powerplant. Credit: Ben Cooper/Spaceflight NowAs the countdown entered the final seconds, liquid hydrogen rushed through the three RS-68 engines and then the powerplants roared to ignition. A massive cloud of fire raced up the rocket, creating a visually awesome but terrifying display. A dozen explosive bolts holding the vehicle to pad 37B detonated as clocks struck zero to free the Heavy to begin climbing as three launch pad swing arms pulled back.Data from the test flight showed the ignition fireball created hot temperatures around the nose cone, leading to another change for the DSP satellite launch.”We’ve done a lot of thinking about it since (the test). It does get pretty hot up around even the payload vents. So to mitigate that, we’ve added some modifications to this particular payload fairing to essentially keep the plume out as the vehicle rises and still allow the payload compartment to vent properly,” Planeaux said.”When you’ve got a payload that’s very sensitive to contamination, we had to go through some fairly elaborate measures to ensure we were well protected there.”The three identical main engines, the world’s largest hydrogen-fueled rocket engine and each capable of generating 17 million horsepower, propelled the vehicle into a clear night sky with three distinct red-hot plumes trailing more than 200 feet long.See our image collections:About 50 seconds into flight, the center Common Booster Core’s engine was throttled back to its minimum power level of 57 percent thrust to conserve fuel that became important later. The starboard and port boosters continued firing at full throttle — 102 percent thrust — through the launch’s first four minutes before emptying their liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen propellant tanks and shutting down the RS-68 engines. The boosters peeled away and plummeted into the Atlantic Ocean.Once the outer boosters were shed, the center stage finally throttled back up to 102 percent for more than a minute of propulsion, consuming that fuel supply saved during the period of reduced thrust. The stage was jettisoned about five minutes, 40 seconds after liftoff, leaving the rocket’s upper stage and payload to continue the journey to orbit.About 13 minutes into flight, the upper stage completed its first burn to achieve an initial parking orbit above Earth and entered an hour-long coast mode until it reached the extreme western Pacific Ocean northeast of Australia. That is where the RL10 engine was re-ignited to reach a geosynchronous transfer orbit stretching 22,000 miles at its high point.The stage then coasted in this orbit, eventually reaching the apogee where the RL10 engine was fired for a third time starting at T+plus 6 hours, 10 minutes. The three-minute burn circularized the orbit over the equator off the western coast of South America.At 3:09 a.m. EST, the 5,179-pound DSP satellite was released from the Delta 4-Heavy rocket to complete the launch.”Last night’s successful countdown and flight culminate a tremendous amount of hard work by the entire Air Force launch team and our industry partners. Congratulations to all who made this challenging and spectacular launch of the DSP 23 satellite a reality,” Planeaux said. Credit: Chris Miller/Spaceflight Now”As the first operational launch of a Delta 4 Heavy Lift Vehicle, it marks a major milestone accomplishment for the EELV program and for assured access to space.”Bringing the Heavy version of the Air Force’s Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle family into operational service, the military has now successfully replaced the retired Titan rocket fleet for deploying large satellite payloads.”This success highlights the continued maturization of our EELV program,” said Brig. Gen. Susan Helms, 45th Space Wing commander at Cape Canaveral.Another Heavy is next up on the Delta 4’s launch schedule. An April liftoff is planned from Cape Canaveral to deliver a classified spy satellite into orbit for the U.S. National Reconnaissance Office.Officials plan a five-month gap between Saturday’s flight and the subsequent launch while engineers complete a thorough review of data.”That has a five-month standoff to digest all of the analysis and redo all of the loads for the payload. But we look forward to not taking any more time than that to launch NROL-26,” said Mark Wilkins, United Launch Alliance vice president for Delta Programs.Another secret NRO launch using a Heavy from the Cape is planned in 2009, followed no sooner than 2010 the first Heavy flight from California’s Vandenberg Air Force Base with another NRO payload. Outfitting of that West Coast pad to install equipment for the larger rocket has begun.For more on Defense Support Program 23 satellite launched Saturday night, see our separate story .Additional coverage for subscribers:VIDEO:WIDESCREEN MOVIE OF LAUNCH SHOT FROM PRESS SITE VIDEO:DELTA 4-HEAVY ROCKETS LAUNCHES WITH DSP 23 VIDEO:PRE-LAUNCH NEWS CONFERENCE VIDEO:ANIMATION OF DSP SATELLITE VIDEO:DSP 23 SATELLITE IS TRANSPORTED TO PAD 37B VIDEO:THE DSP 23 SPACECRAFT MOUNTED ATOP ADAPTER VIDEO:FIRST DELTA 4-HEAVY FROM LIFTOFF TO BOOSTER SEP. VIDEO:ONBOARD CAMERA RECORDS FIRST HEAVY LAUNCH VIDEO:ONBOARD CAMERA SEES BOOSTER SEPARATION VIDEO:ONBOARD CAMERA CAPTURES FAIRING JETTISON John Glenn Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The historic first orbital flight by an American is marked by this commemorative patch for John Glenn and Friendship 7.Final Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is available in our store. Get this piece of history!Celebrate the shuttle programFree shipping to U.S. addresses!This special commemorative patch marks the retirement of NASA’s Space Shuttle Program. Available in our store!Anniversary Shuttle PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!This embroidered patch commemorates the 30th anniversary of the Space Shuttle Program. The design features the space shuttle Columbia’s historic maiden flight of April 12, 1981.Mercury anniversaryFree shipping to U.S. addresses!Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Alan Shephard’s historic Mercury mission with this collectors’ item, the official commemorative embroidered patch.Fallen Heroes Patch CollectionThe official patches from Apollo 1, the shuttle Challenger and Columbia crews are available in the store. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Delta 4-Heavy rocket goes vertical at SLC-6SPACEFLIGHT NOW

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    Posted: December 3, 2009 The dual-purpose assembly gantry and mobile shelter was retracted from the Delta 4 rocket a little after 8 a.m. EST on December 3 during countdown preparations to launch the Delta 4 rocket and the U.S. military’s third Wideband Global SATCOM spacecraft.Photo credit: Pat Corkery/United Launch Alliance Photo credit: Pat Corkery/United Launch Alliance | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Delta 4 rocket ready for mission for U.S. military SPACEFLIGHT NOWPosted: December 1, 2009 An artist’s concept shows the WGS satellite in orbit. Credit: BoeingA hotrod version of the Delta 4 rocket, souped up with extra solid-fueled boosters, takes its first trip into space Wednesday evening on a mission for the U.S. military.The United Launch Alliance-built vehicle will perform a 40-minute flight to supersynchronous transfer orbit for deployment of the Air Force’s third Wideband Global SATCOM communications spacecraft, known as WGS 3. WGS satellites are giving a major upgrade to the military’s main communications infrastructure, replacing the aging Defense Satellite Communications System (DSCS) spacecraft. Each WGS has 10 times the capacity of a DSCS satellite, allowing users to process and receive data quicker than ever before. “The WGS 3 satellite has gone through a very rigorous test program to ensure that the satellite has been designed and tested and will perform as intended on-orbit,” said Mark Spiwak, the WGS program director for satellite-builder Boeing.”We are very proud to be providing this awesome capability to the warfighter in partnership with the United States Air Force and are looking forward to a great launch.”WGS 1 entered service last year to cover the vast Pacific Command that spans the U.S. western coast all the way to Southeast Asia. The WGS 2 satellite launched earlier this year was placed into operation over the Indian Ocean for use by U.S. Central Command to provide coverage for the warfighters in Afghanistan, Iraq and other parts of Southwest Asia.The new WGS 3 satellite will be positioned above the Eastern Atlantic at an orbital slot of 12 degrees West longitude for U.S. European Command and U.S. Africa Command, plus lend additional support over the Middle East.”WGS 3 is the next step in deploying Wideband Global SATCOM to augment and eventually replace the legacy Defense Satellite Communications System, or DSCS, which has been the Department of Defense’s backbone for satellite communications over the last three decades,” said Col. Bill Harding, vice commander, Military Satellite Communications Systems Wing.”WGS 3 is slated for operations over EUCOM and AFRICOM and will provide an order of magnitude increase in military communications bandwidth for Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines.”Following this week’s launch, it will be maneuvered into a circular geostationary orbit 22,300 miles above the planet where it can match the Earth’s rotation and appear parked over one area of the globe. On-orbit testing is scheduled to last a few months, enabling the craft to begin full use next April.The WGS spacecraft are constructed around Boeing’s powerhouse 702-model design used by commercial satellite operators. But within the WGS craft are Ka- and X-band military communications packages to serve forces stationed around the globe. The WGS craft offer X-band communications, like the venerable DSCS satellites, to relay data, photos and video to troops on the battlefield. What’s new on WGS is Ka-band communications. Officials describe the extra frequency as a way of serving up large amounts of information for reception by U.S. and allied forces across a wide area. The first two WGS satellites were hauled into space aboard Atlas 5 rockets. But WGS 3 will ride atop the Delta 4, the other rocket in the Air Force’s Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle fleet.The WGS 3 spacecraft, weighing about 6.5 tons, will need a hefty version of the Delta 4 to reach its targeted orbit. That rocket configuration is known as the Medium+ (5,4).Not yet flown before, this version of the Delta is distinguished by a five-meter payload shroud and four solid rocket boosters. Previous Medium+ rockets have flown with the smaller four-meter nose cone and only two solid motors.”The fact that this is the first 5,4 configuration means that there are several ‘new parts’ of the vehicle,” the Air Force’s Launch and Range Systems Wing says.”The five-meter, 47-foot-long composite payload fairing is a first flight item, as well as the four solid rocket motor configuration, two of which are thrust vector controlled, and two are fixed nozzle. For added support, we also use the X-brace within the Common Booster Core.”The cryogenic main engine and all four solids will be ignited on the launch pad, rapidly accelerating the 217-foot-tall rocket into the nighttime sky. The strap-on motors fire for 94 seconds, then burn out and separate from the first stage about 22 nautical miles up.The RS-68 engine continues its firing through the initial four minutes of flight by consuming liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen. Shortly before the first stage’s burn concludes, having already climbed beyond the edge of space, the nose shroud covering the satellite will be jettisoned at an altitude of 68 nautical miles.After the first stage separates 100 nautical miles over the ocean, the upper stage’s cryogenic RL10B-2 powerplant will ignite for a 16-minute firing that propels the vehicle into an elliptical parking orbit of 100 by 3,714 nautical miles and inclined 25.59 degrees to the equator.The rocket will coast in that temporary orbit only briefly as it nears the western coast of Africa. The engine is restarted to burn for three more minutes that sends WGS 3 toward its egg-shaped transfer orbit looping from 237 nautical miles at its closest point with Earth to 36,167 nautical miles at the farthest point and inclined 24 degrees.The payload separates from the launcher 40 minutes and 32 seconds after liftoff while soaring away from the planet over the Indian Ocean.This launch will mark the 11th for the Delta 4 family of rockets since 2002.STS-134 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Endeavour is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-134. Available in our store!Final Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is now available in our store. Get this piece of history!Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.STS-133 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Discovery is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-133. Available in our store!Anniversary Shuttle PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!This embroidered patch commemorates the 30th anniversary of the Space Shuttle Program. The design features the space shuttle Columbia’s historic maiden flight of April 12, 1981.Mercury anniversaryFree shipping to U.S. addresses!Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Alan Shephard’s historic Mercury mission with this collectors’ item, the official commemorative embroidered patch. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Delta 4 rocket rolls out to bolster GPS constellation SPACEFLIGHT NOWPosted: August 19, 2012 The Delta 4 rocket that will launch in October for the direct benefit of the world’s population using the Global Positioning System was stacked on its Cape Canaveral pad last week. File image of rocket rollout. Credit: Justin Ray/Spaceflight NowThe United Launch Alliance-made vehicle is targeting an Oct. 4 blastoff to deploy the GPS 2F-3 navigation satellite, replacing a 19-year-old craft in the orbiting constellation that serves billions of military and civilan users across the planet.Liftoff will be possible during a morning launch window extending from 8:10 to 8:29 a.m. EDT (1210-1229 GMT).Riding horizontal aboard a 36-wheel, diesel-powered transporter, the bright orange and white rocket, stretching 170 feet long, emerged from the assembly hangar and took the brief trip down the road and up the pad’s ramp to the Florida spaceport’s Complex 37.Initial assembly of the rocket, including mating of the cryogenic upper stage with the Common Booster Core first stage using a precision laser alignment system, had been completed inside the Horizontal Integration Facility over the past couple of months.After the vehicle arrived at the base of the pad, technicians went to work getting equipment ready to raise the rocket vertically. The erector system and its hydraulic pistons then lifted the rocket upright and set the vehicle atop the pad’s launch table.Later in the week, two solid-fueled strap-on boosters were mounted to the first stage to provide additional thrust at liftoff. The rocket will be flying in the Medium+(4,2) configuration.The satellite payload was shipped to the Cape from Boeing’s production factory in Los Angeles aboard a C-17 on July 9 to begin its own preparations for launch, including final testing, fueling and encapsulation in the rocket’s nose cone. It will be hauled to the pad and hoisted atop the Delta 4 next month.This will be the third satellite in the Block 2F series of GPS spacecraft with improved accuracy, enhanced internal atomic clocks, better anti-jam resistance, a civil signal for commercial aviation and a longer design life. Boeing is building a dozen craft to upgrade the constellation’s foundation over the coming years. A GPS 2F satellite is pictured at the manufacturing facility. Credit: BoeingKnown as the GPS 2F-3 satellite, this newest spacecraft will take the place of the GPS 2A-21 bird that was launched by a Delta 2 rocket on June 26, 1993 and began its remarkably long-lasting service life on July 21, 1993.Given its advanced age, controllers have targeted it for replacement with this launch into the Plane A, Slot 1 position of the constellation. But the old craft won’t be retired immediately, instead moving into an auxiliary role within the A-Plane of the network.GPS satellites orbit about 11,000 nautical miles above the planet and emit continuous navigation signals that allow users to find their location in latitude, longitude and altitude and determine time. The constellation features six orbital planes with multiple satellites flying in each.The first two Block 2F birds were launched by Delta 4 rockets in May 2010 and July 2011. The latest spacecraft should be operational about 30 days after liftoff.”As each 2F satellite becomes operational, we continue the seamless transformation of the GPS constellation into an even more accurate, reliable and durable navigation resource for the U.S. military and the global civilian user community,” said Craig Cooning, vice president and general manager of Boeing Space & Intelligence Systems. “Our efficient pulse-line manufacturing process, adapted from Boeing’s commercial airplane production lines, also ensures that we deliver each spacecraft on time and on cost.”Today’s GPS fleet is comprised of 31 satellites, including 10 Block 2A’s made by Boeing, 12 Block 2R’s and seven 2R-Modernized spacecraft built by Lockheed Martin, and Boeing’s two Block 2F vehicles.”The GPS constellation remains healthy, stable and robust with 31-operational satellites on-orbit providing precise position, navigation and timing information to users worldwide,” an Air Force spokesperson said.STS-134 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Endeavour is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-134. Available in our store!Final Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is now available in our store. Get this piece of history!Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.STS-133 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Discovery is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-133. Available in our store!Anniversary Shuttle PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!This embroidered patch commemorates the 30th anniversary of the Space Shuttle Program. The design features the space shuttle Columbia’s historic maiden flight of April 12, 1981.Mercury anniversaryFree shipping to U.S. addresses!Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Alan Shephard’s historic Mercury mission with this collectors’ item, the official commemorative embroidered patch. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Delta 4 rocket soars on Defense Department mission SPACEFLIGHT NOWPosted: January 20, 2012 A new Air Force satellite headed for service over the Middle East to route essential communications to U.S. military forces and improve data links to unmanned aerial drones was successfully launched from Cape Canaveral last night.The launch as seen from Complex 37 pond. Credit: Justin Ray/Spaceflight NowThe Wideband Global SATCOM 4 spacecraft, better known as WGS 4, rode a United Launch Alliance Delta 4 rocket away from the Florida spaceport’s pad 37B at 7:38 p.m. EST (0038 GMT) on a 40-minute ascent to supersynchronous orbit.Liftoff occurred at the opening minute of a launch window set months in advance. Valued at $464 million, the 6.5-ton satellite will enhance military communications over a turbulent portion of the globe when it commences broadcasting duties in a few months.Dropped off into a highly-elliptical, preliminary orbit by the Delta 4 rocket, the satellite’s conventional bi-propellant chemical main engine will execute four apogee and four perigee firings through early February before beginning 40 days of final orbit circularization maneuvers with its xenon-ion propulsion thrusters to reach geosynchronous perch 22,300 miles above Earth in March.Once its appendages are fully unfurled in space, the craft’s solar-power wings will span 134 feet.In-orbit testing with the military’s Camp Roberts facility in California will occur from mid-March through mid-April. Boeing will control the craft’s initial flying until handover to the Air Force at the end of April. From there, the spacecraft will drift to the operational location over the Indian Ocean to receive final acceptance into the WGS constellation and enter service this summer.The Air Force says it plans to put this WGS 4 spacecraft’s coverage footprint over the Middle East and Southeast Asia for use by U.S. Central Command and U.S. Pacific Command.”WGS provides critical operation and situational awareness information to the warfighter,” said Dave Madden, director of the Military Satellite Communications Systems Directorate at the Air Force’s Space and Missile Systems Center. “I want to thank Boeing and the work they have done to give us a first-class quality satellite that’s going to be a critical add to our constellation.”WGS 4 starts an enhanced “block” of satellites with improved bandwidth for communications to the military’s remote-controlled drones known for their stealthy and undercover operations in global hotspots. The vehicles can carry cameras, radar sensors and detectors to sniff out uranium and radioactive material.”The UAVs and moving large amounts of data around is a major requirement that drove us to do the upgrade, which is giving us the significantly more bandwidth and capacity,” said Madden.Once slid into its orbital home high above the Indian Ocean, the satellite will join the expanding fleet of Wideband Global SATCOM communications satellites that form the Pentagon’s worldwide communications backbone across all branches of the military.”WGS is the DOD’s highest capacity communications satellite system. These satellites provide tremendous operational flexibility to deliver the needed capacity, coverage and connectivity in support of demanding operational scenarios,” said Mark Spiwak, the WGS program director for satellite-builder Boeing.An artist’s concept of WGS spotbeams. Credit: BoeingThe craft’s communications package provides shaped, steerable spotbeams of bandwidth wherever requested across its field-of-view for Ka- and X-band frequencies, plus the onboard capability to switch signals from one band to the other.”It does that by using a channelizer, which is kind of the heart of the satellite which is able to convert the frequencies from X-to-Ka or X-to-X or Ka-to-Ka, and that provides a certain bandwidth availability and a number of channels associated with that,” Spiwak said.But the new Block 2 satellites, beginning with WGS 4, come with a bypass feature for unmanned aerial drone communications to skip the crossbanding path and use two uplink and two downlink channels that offer three times the bandwidth as the normal channels, opening up a much bigger pipeline for data to flow.That increased capacity will directly help the military’s remotely-controlled unmanned drone programs, which are used for surveillance, intelligence-gathering and offensive operations.”So why is that good? That’s good because as the Global Hawks, the Reapers, the Predators, all of the AISR platforms, as they are converting to their different terminals, obviously the more bandwidth is good for them, and you can lock on to one or several Global Hawks, multiple Reapers and Predators, and the more bandwidth allows the operators to pump more data through. You’ve got that wider pipe on two uplink and two downlink channels,” Spiwak said.”That’s kind of the main change (for Block 2). It still has all of the X-band flexibility, Ka-band flexibility that the first three have, but this has these extra, larger pipes that you can really pump a lot of data through.”An artist’s concept of WGS antenna arrangement. Credit: BoeingThree WGS spacecraft are operating in geosynchronous orbit today, and The Boeing Co. has four more in production at its El Segundo factory in Los Angeles and will soon start working on two additional craft being ordered — WGS 9 and 10. The craft are built upon the company’s powerhouse 702-model design. was launched in October 2007 to cover the vast U.S. Pacific Command that stretches from the U.S. western coast all the way to Southeast Asia. satellite followed with an April 2009 launch to serve U.S. Central Command and the forces in Afghanistan, Iraq and other parts of Southwest Asia. went up in December 2009 to cover U.S. European Command and U.S. Africa Command, plus lend additional support over the Middle East.”Three Block 1 satellites are currently on-orbit, providing critical communication links to DOD and allied forces worldwide,” said Spiwak.For over four decades, the Defense Satellite Communications System was the foundation for flowing secure information to military forces around the globe. But that heritage system is being phased out as the aging craft retire and the new WGS satellites ascend to orbit to take advantage of new technology.The final DSCS craft was launched by a Delta 4 rocket in 2003. ()There’s still 8 DSCS satellites in service today.”We will use ‘em up till the very last minute because the DSCS’s are still providing significant capability as well,” said Madden.Each WGS bird possesses 10 times the capacity of a single DSCS satellite and offers 19 coverage areas with its steerable antennas versus 8 under the heritage craft.The X-band communications through DSCS and WGS allow data, photos and video to be relayed to troops on the battlefield. But WGS also brings Ka-band to the table for high-volume broadcasting to user terminals across the reception area.A key advancement that WGS brings is an internal box called a digital channelizer that enables a user with a Ka-band terminal to seamlessly connect to someone with an X-band terminal, or vice versa.The data transmission rates range from 2.1 to 3.6 Gbps.”Everyday WGS helps save and improve the lives of users worldwide. This launch (is) another important step in advancing these capabilities,” said Spiwak.The 217-foot-tall Delta 4 carrying WGS 4 flew in the Medium+(5,4) configuration, which is the most powerful of the Medium-version rockets and below only the triple-core Heavy in the modular family’s lineup.WGS is one of the satellite programs that’s interchangeable between ULA’s Atlas and Delta rocket families. The first two WGS satellites went up on Atlas, and now the subsequent two have flown on Delta. The Delta 4 rocket awaits launch. Credit: Justin Ray/Spaceflight Now”WGS was the first constellation of satellites to launch on both Delta 4 and Atlas 5 vehicles since the formation of ULA. We’re honored to have worked closely with our Air Force partners in integrating and launching these important WGS satellites,” said Jim Sponnick, United Launch Alliance vice president of mission operations.”Our ability to integrate and launch satellites successfully and efficiently on two launch systems to provide operational flexibility was a primary reason that ULA was formed.”The Medium+(5,4) features a five-meter-diameter upper stage loaded with more cryogenic propellants than the optional four-meter motor used for other launches, such as GPS missions. The rocket also has a full set of four solid-fuel boosters strapped to the first stage, double the number used for GPS and other lower-weight payloads.The first stage is powered by the RS-68 hydrogen-fed main engine and the upper stage has the RL10B-2 engine, the powerplants used on all 18 Delta 4 missions to date.It was the first rocket launch from Cape Canaveral of the new year and begins the Delta 4 rocket’s 2012 that is dedicated to military service with as many as five flights scheduled from both Florida and Vandenberg Air Force Base in California to deploy WGS, GPS and classified National Reconnaissance Office spacecraft.Additional coverage for subscribers:VIDEO:WGS 4 BLASTS OFF ABOARD DELTA 4 VIDEO:DELTA 4 ROCKET LAUNCHES WITH WGS 3 VIDEO:ATLAS 5 ROCKET LAUNCHES WITH WGS 2 VIDEO:LAUNCH PREPARATIONS VIDEO:WGS 1 LAUNCH SEEN FROM PRESS SITE VIDEO:PRE-LAUNCH NEWS CONFERENCE Final Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is now available in our store. Get this piece of history!STS-134 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Endeavour is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-134. Available in our store!Ares 1-X PatchThe official embroidered patch for the Ares 1-X rocket test flight, is available for purchase.Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.Project OrionThe Orion crew exploration vehicle is NASA’s first new human spacecraft developed since the space shuttle a quarter-century earlier. The capsule is one of the key elements of returning astronauts to the Moon.Fallen Heroes Patch CollectionThe official patches from Apollo 1, the shuttle Challenger and Columbia crews are available in the store. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Delta 4 rocket launches GOES P satellite The United Launch Alliance Delta 4 rocket blasts off March 4 at 6:57 p.m. EST carrying the GOES P geostationary weather observatory.Credit: NASA-KSCCredit: Carleton Bailie for The Boeing CompanyCredit: Carleton Bailie for The Boeing CompanyCredit: NASA-KSCCredit: NASA-KSCCredit: NASA-KSCCredit: Carleton Bailie for The Boeing CompanyCredit: NASA-KSCCredit: NASA-KSCCredit: NASA-KSCCredit: NASA-KSCCredit: NASA-KSCCredit: NASA-KSCCredit: NASA-KSCCredit: NASA-KSC | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Delta 4 rocket successfully lofts surveillance satellite SPACEFLIGHT NOWPosted: April 4, 2012 A Delta 4 rocket made a thunderous departure from California on Tuesday afternoon, only to slip into a news blackout minutes later while it climbed higher and faster to deploy a classified spy satellite, a success-defining milestone that was confirmed by hobbyist observers.The Delta 4 soars from Space Launch Complex 6. Credit: Pat Corkery/ULAThe United Launch Alliance-made booster roared away from Vandenberg Air Force Base at 4:12:57 p.m. local (7:12:57 p.m. EDT; 2312:57 GMT) on a southwesterly course to reach a retrograde orbit inclined 123 degrees relative to the equator.A pair of strap-on solid boosters burned out 90 seconds later, then peeled away as the liquid hydrogen-fueled main engine continued to accelerate the 21-story rocket over the open Pacific.When the 47-foot-long nose cone was jettisoned three-and-a-half minutes into flight, the now-standard veil of secrecy fell over the mission to halt any further live updates about staging or burns by the upper stage engine to inject the satellite into space.The hush-hush nature for the rest of flight is all part of launching covert payloads for the U.S. National Reconnaissance Office, the secretive agency that operates the country’s fleet of spy satellites. The NRO does not disclose the purpose of its spacecraft being sent up on each launch, saying only that the flight was called the NROL-25 mission.But a band of precise satellite-tracking specialists linked together by their hobby and the Internet was poised to look for the newest object in the sky, adding the spacecraft to their catalog.Given the rocket’s unusual trajectory to the southwest, analysts were certain the satellite was the second in a new generation of radar-imaging surveillance craft used by the NRO. The first launch in the series took the same path from Vandenberg aboard an Atlas 5 rocket in September 2010.And right on cue, the new spacecraft flew overhead Tuesday night exactly where the observers expected it to be.”Today’s successful launch is a tribute to the hard work and ingenuity of our government and contractor team and I am very proud of them. After the six successful launches last year, our 50th anniversary year, we proved tonight we can continue that hitting streak as we work to deliver superior vigilance from above for the nation,” said Col. James D. Fisher, director of the NRO’s Office of Space Launch.The NRO has three more launches slated for this year, including an Atlas 5 and Delta 4-Heavy from Cape Canaveral in late June and another Atlas 5 from the West Coast in early August.This was the maiden mission for the Delta 4 Medium+ (5,2) configured rocket, the last of the family’s five members to take flight. It used previously-proven elements of the vehicle like the five-meter upper stage and twin boosters to assemble this particular version to carry the given size and weight of the payload.”Congratulations to the NRO and to all the mission partners involved in this critical national security launch,” said ULA Missions Operations Vice President Jim Sponnick. “ULA is proud to have supported this mission and delivered critical capabilities to the men and women defending our freedom throughout the world.”Radar satellites offer all-weather, day-and-night imaging for reconnoitering global hotspots to inform policy makers and warfighters. These newest, advanced spacecraft follow the heritage of five “Lacrosse” radar birds put up by the space shuttle Atlantis and Titan 4 rockets between 1988 and 2005.The updated satellite design is smaller and less massive, enabling the craft to fly aboard mid-sized Atlas 5 and Delta 4 rockets.The intelligence-gathering craft probably use a synthetic aperture radar system to observe strategic targets around the globe in both daylight and darkness. The eyes-in-the-sky can pierce clouds and even reveal underground structures like military bunkers.Lacrosse satellites orbit in normal, 420-mile-high perches, but this new generation fly retrograde, or against the Earth’s rotation, about 685 miles up. The rationale for the different type of orbit isn’t known.At the time of Tuesday’s launch, the first satellite in the new generation was flying westward over the southern tip of South America.”The teamwork between the 30th Space Wing, the National Reconnaissance Office, United Launch Alliance and numerous other agencies was seamless,” said Col. Nina Armagno, 30th Space Wing commander at Vandenberg. “It’s this synergistic mindset and attention to detail that led to our amazing launch today.” The liftoff begins a stretch of 8 flights by the Air Force’s Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicles — the Delta 4 and Atlas 5 — from Vandenberg over the next two-and-a-half years, according to Lt. Col. Brady Hauboldt, commander of the 4th Space Launch Squadron that oversees the boosters’ operations at the California installation. “We are about to kick off a very, very busy time in EELV operations at Vandenberg. Right after this launch, we’ll roll into our next mission — an Atlas 5,” said Hauboldt. “There is not much of a break.”That rocket is scheduled for delivery to Vandenberg from its manufacturing factory in Alabama this month, and crew exercises to prepare for the launch also begin soon. Liftoff carrying another NRO payload is slated for Aug. 2.A Delta 4-Heavy vehicle arrives at the base this fall for blastoff next August, perhaps sooner, to launch a large NRO satellite. It will be second such flight by the mammoth vehicle from California.”We love it! We love to be busy out here. It keeps us sharp…and puts a spotlight on Vandenberg’s contribution to national security,” said Hauboldt.Also on tap is NASA’s first Atlas 5 launch from the West Coast, deploying the next Landsat spacecraft in January, and a commercial Atlas 5 in March with the GeoEye 2 Earth imager.STS-134 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Endeavour is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-134. Available in our store!Final Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is now available in our store. Get this piece of history!Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.STS-133 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Discovery is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-133. Available in our store!Anniversary Shuttle PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!This embroidered patch commemorates the 30th anniversary of the Space Shuttle Program. The design features the space shuttle Columbia’s historic maiden flight of April 12, 1981.Mercury anniversaryFree shipping to U.S. addresses!Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Alan Shephard’s historic Mercury mission with this collectors’ item, the official commemorative embroidered patch. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Delta 4 rockets readied for two launches in August SPACEFLIGHT NOWPosted: July 31, 2013 The payloads are attached and final preparations are underway for two national security satellites heading for different orbits aboard United Launch Alliance Delta 4 rockets in August, one from Cape Canaveral, the other at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.File photo of a Boeing-made WGS satellite. Credit: ULAThe Air Force’s sixth Wideband Global SATCOM high-capacity communications satellite was loaded aboard its Delta 4 at the Florida spaceport’s Complex 37 pad last Tuesday, July 23 for blastoff Aug. 7.The WGS 6 spacecraft, financed entirely through a partnership with Australia, will join a constellation of satellites now comprising the Defense Department’s primary communications network for connectivity to forces around the world.The Boeing-built satellite, already encapsulated in the rocket’s composite nose cone, was moved from the commercial Astrotech processing facility in Titusville for mating to the launch vehicle.The rocket will fly in the Delta 4 Medium+(5,4) configuration, which features a five-meter upper stage and payload fairing, plus four strap-on boosters for added thrust, to lift the 6.5-ton satellite into a geosynchronous transfer orbit.The 49-minute launch window on Aug. 7 opens at 8:29 p.m. EDT (0029 GMT), shortly after sundown.Meanwhile, workers on the West Coast are readying a massive Delta 4-Heavy rocket for blastoff from Vandenberg’s Space Launch Complex 6 on Aug. 28.File photo of a Delta 4-Heavy at Vandenberg. Credit: ULALiftoff will be possible between 10 a.m. and 12 noon local time (1-3 p.m. EDT; 1700-1900 GMT). The exact time will be revealed closer to launch.That launch will deploy a classified payload for the National Reconnaissance Office, the government agency responsible for flying the country’s fleet of spy satellites.”From developing and acquiring new capabilities to launching and operating the most technically-advanced systems, the NRO remains the premier space reconnaissance organization in the world,” NRO Director Betty Sapp told Congress earlier this year.The cargo for the NROL-65 mission was transported to SLC-6 on the southern end of Vandenberg and mated to the Delta 4-Heavy last Wednesday, July 24. The craft’s identity and capabilities are kept classified.The triple-wide Heavy launcher is the most powerful rocket available in the U.S. inventory, capable of putting school bus-sized reconnaissance observatories into polar orbit.The key Delta 4 milestones last week occurred mere days after ULA successfully launched an Atlas 5 rocket on July 19 from the Cape to deploy the U.S. Navy’s MUOS 2 mobile communications satellite, the company’s sixth flight of the year.The Atlas 5/MUOS vehicle (left) awaits its liftoff while the Delta 4/WGS completes its countdown rehearsal on July 17. Credit: ULAWhat’s more, the Delta 4 for WGS 6 underwent a countdown dress rehearsal and fueling test while the Atlas 5 was rolling out from its assembly building to the launch pad on July 17.”These simultaneous operations demonstrate the tremendous capabilities of the combined contractor and U.S. government teams,” said Jim Sponnick, ULA vice president, Atlas and Delta Programs. “With this team’s innovative and ever-present focus on delivering mission success and reliable and repeatable processes through Perfect Product Delivery, the United Launch Alliance team has achieved an unparalleled launch rate.”ULA has six more launches planned through the end of the year and 15 manifested for 2014.”We are in the middle of a launch campaign with an operational tempo that is unprecedented since the inception of the Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV) program more than a decade ago,” said Sponnick. “This team’s ability to maintain this high tempo with a one launch at-a-time focus on 100 percent mission success is a testament to the decades of experience this team brings each and every day to this exacting business.”John Glenn Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The historic first orbital flight by an American is marked by this commemorative patch for John Glenn and Friendship 7.Final Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is available in our store. Get this piece of history!Celebrate the shuttle programFree shipping to U.S. addresses!This special commemorative patch marks the retirement of NASA’s Space Shuttle Program. Available in our store!Anniversary Shuttle PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!This embroidered patch commemorates the 30th anniversary of the Space Shuttle Program. The design features the space shuttle Columbia’s historic maiden flight of April 12, 1981.Mercury anniversaryFree shipping to U.S. addresses!Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Alan Shephard’s historic Mercury mission with this collectors’ item, the official commemorative embroidered patch.Fallen Heroes Patch CollectionThe official patches from Apollo 1, the shuttle Challenger and Columbia crews are available in the store. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Delta 4 set for international launch Wednesday night SPACEFLIGHT NOWPosted: August 6, 2013 A United Launch Alliance Delta 4 rocket and its military communications satellite payload, both bought by Australia, will thunder to orbit Wednesday night from Cape Canaveral in an international collaboration to strengthen partnerships between the U.S. and its allies.Liftoff time is 8:29 p.m. EDT. Credit: Justin Ray/Spaceflight NowThe spacecraft is the sixth in a growing constellation of Wideband Global SATCOM satellites, but the bird was purchased through an agreement that enabled Australia to gain access to the worldwide coverage provided by the U.S.-operated system.Liftoff is scheduled for 8:29 p.m. EDT (0029 GMT) from Complex 37B at the Florida spaceport. The evening’s nighttime launch opportunity extends 49 minutes to 9:18 p.m. EDT (0118 GMT).See our for live updates throughout the countdown Wednesday and streaming video of the launch.Mission managers held the launch readiness review Tuesday morning and granted approval to proceed into the count.Weather forecasters predict an 80 percent chance of acceptable conditions for liftoff, which will be ULA’s seventh of the year and second using the Delta 4 to launch a WGS satellite.Signed in 2007 between the U.S. military and the Australian Defence Force, the agreement runs through 2029, giving Australia a slice of the communications bandwidth available from the entire high-capacity fleet of WGS satellites that will span the globe.The Australians contributed $707 million to WGS, funding the rocket and satellite going up Wednesday, plus sustainment costs of the system.”The cooperation we’ve had with Australia has been extremely successful,” said Dave Madden, the MILSATCOM director at the Air Force’s Space and Missile Systems Center.”It really helps all parties. It brings down our overall operating costs to operate the constellation and provides the capabilities to the U.S. (and) it provides critical capability that Australia needed to support its infrastructure as well as its warfighters. Third, it created interoperability between our forces. When we are deployed together we are operating on the same system. It really was a win-win, I believe, for all parties.”An artist’s concept of WGS antenna arrangement. Credit: BoeingThe Air Force has launched five WGS satellites since 2007, with four currently in operation and the fifth nearing geosynchronous orbit for testing and checkout following its liftoff May 24.”WGS is providing satcom for warfighters worldwide, both in X- and Ka-band. All of the services are using WGS, to include our international partners,” Madden said.A five-nation deal signed last year is funding the upcoming WGS 9 satellite and brings Canada, Denmark, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and New Zealand into the system.Boeing is building the WGS constellation, which is replacing the aging Defense Satellite Communications System spacecraft. Each WGS has 10 times the capacity of a DSCS satellite, allowing users to process and receive data quicker than ever before.”Every day, WGS helps save and improve the lives of users worldwide by providing critical comm links with the DOD and allied forces. This launch will be another important step in advancing these capabilities,” said Mark Spiwak, Boeing’s WGS program director.ULA has launched the previous five WGS satellites, the first two occurring aboard Atlas 5 rockets and the more recent ones using Delta 4.Wednesday’s rocket will be flying in the Delta 4 Medium+ (5,4) version, which has a five-meter-diameter upper stage and nose cone, plus four strap-on solid-fuel boosters. The vehicle stands 217 feet tall.It will take nearly 41 minutes from liftoff until spacecraft deployment into a supersynchronous transfer orbit. Boeing controllers will spend about three months using the satellite’s conventional chemical engines and xenon thrusters to maneuver the craft into its test slot.Madden said WGS 6’s operational point in space has not been determined.”I’m not sure where we are going to end up putting it. But from Australia’s standpoint it doesn’t matter because they’ve bought into a percentage of the constellation,” he said.”Symbolically, it would have been nice to say this one goes right over Australia, they could look up and say that was the one we bought, but it really doesn’t matter to them, what they care about is the bandwidth and worldwide coverage.”Final Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is now available in our store. Get this piece of history!STS-134 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Endeavour is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-134. Available in our store!Ares 1-X PatchThe official embroidered patch for the Ares 1-X rocket test flight, is available for purchase.Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.Project OrionThe Orion crew exploration vehicle is NASA’s first new human spacecraft developed since the space shuttle a quarter-century earlier. The capsule is one of the key elements of returning astronauts to the Moon.Fallen Heroes Patch CollectionThe official patches from Apollo 1, the shuttle Challenger and Columbia crews are available in the store. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Delta 4 set for national security mission next week SPACEFLIGHT NOWPosted: March 20, 2012 Within the enclosed confines of the massive Space Launch Complex 6 pad at the southern end of California’s Vandenberg Air Force Base, a site once envisioned to fly the space shuttle, a Delta 4 rocket and its classified satellite cargo are undergoing final preps for blastoff next week.File image of Space Launch Complex 6 that completely encloses the Delta 4 rocket during pre-flight preparations. Credit: Justin Ray/Spaceflight NowLiftoff is scheduled for Thursday, March 29 on the NROL-25 mission to deploy a hush-hush payload for the U.S. National Reconnaissance Office, the secretive government agency that designs and operates the country’s fleet of orbiting spy satellites.Although the exact launch time hasn’t been revealed, officials say the liftoff will happen some time between 2 and 5:15 p.m. local time (5-8:15 p.m. EDT; 2100-0015 GMT).The launch will be the first of four that the NRO has planned this year, a batch of missions that also includes an Atlas 5 on June 20 and a Delta 4-Heavy on June 28, both from Cape Canaveral, and another Atlas 5 from Vandenberg on Aug. 2.”Last year we executed the most aggressive launch campaign in over 25 years. We successfully launched six satellites in seven months and this year with the same determination we’re scheduled to launch four more in five months,” Betty Sapp, the NRO’s principal deputy director, said in testimony before Congress on March 8.”These successful launches are a very important and visible reminder of the space reconnaissance mission the NRO started over 50 years ago, and continues with such great success today. We are committed to smart acquisition investments and practices to ensure the continued coverage and availability of our vital national security systems and we work tirelessly to deliver these systems on time and within budget.”Last year’s remarkable launch surge used various types of Atlas and Delta rockets to launch replacement satellites into virtually all of the NRO’s networks of imaging, eavesdropping, surveillance and data-relay spacecraft, plus the small Minotaur booster lofted a research and development payload.”From launching and operating the most technically-capable systems to continued operations of legacy satellites the NRO remains the premier space reconnaissance organization in the world,” said Sapp.The identities of the satellites going up this year are not disclosed to the public. But NRO Director Bruce Carlson recently said the upcoming deployments will refresh the agency’s ability to continue guarding U.S. national security.”The launch of these systems will not only improve on the NRO’s capabilities, they will also help reduce the overall age of our constellation and better deal with today’s and tomorrow’s global threats,” he said.The NROL-25 logo for next week’s launch.More often than not, the purpose of any NRO launch is the rejuvenation of the existing constellation by replacing an aging orbiting asset with a new satellite or bringing the next generation on line. That was the major achievement of last year’s surge, which came as the NRO was celebrating its 50th anniversary.”Most aggressive launch schedule in 25 years and the satellites we launched were more complex and technically demanding than any we have launched before,” Carlson said. “Through this campaign and the dedicated efforts of the NRO workforce, we proved once again that the NRO knows how to develop, acquire, launch, and operate our nation’s intelligence collection satellite constellation and our worldwide coverage is as good as it has been in years.”The average age of the NRO’s satellites has been reduced thanks to the newest birds put on orbit, he added, while other spacecraft see their missions evolving from the original intent to face the current threats around the globe.”Majority of constellation is aging, but despite age of some satellites, still very robust, adaptable,” he said. “Some designed to monitor Soviet communication in Northern Fleet are now used to geo-locate sensitive signals in the war zone.”Next week’s deployment will use the United Launch Alliance’s Delta 4 rocket flying for the first time in its Medium+ (5,2) configuration, which features a single core stage filled with liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen, a pair of strap-on solid-fuel boosters, a five-meter-diameter cryogenic upper stage and similarly sized nose cone to shroud the payload during the climb through Earth’s atmosphere.The towering vehicle will stand about 217 feet tall.This is the only version of the five Delta 4 configurations that hasn’t been used in the program’s 18 previous launches from Florida and California. The most recent launch in January flew a close comparison, but it had the maximum number of four strap-on boosters for extra thrust off the pad instead of just two needed for the NROL-25 mission.The payload’s size likely drove the mission planners to pick a Delta 4 with the roomier nose cone size of five meters versus the other option of four meters in diameter.The rocket will soar away from Vandenberg leaving a smokey contrail that should be visible for miles around, heading over the Pacific towards an undisclosed orbital perch.Hobbyist satellite observers around the world will have their eyes on the sky looking to spot the new object and figure out which segment of the NRO constellation is was launched to fill.File image of a Delta 4 rocket on SLC-6. Credit: Gene Blevins/LA Daily NewsIt is widely understood that the NRO operates different types of satellites that include eavesdropping for intelligence-gathering, high-resolution imaging birds that collect exquisite pictures of ground targets, all-weather radar platforms to perform surveillance day and night, ship-tracking spacecraft, and the necessary communications craft to relay data from the lower-orbiting assets when they are flying outside the range of tracking stations.All of the information obtained is shared with analysts, policy makers and the warfighters in the global hotspots.”In 2011 alone, NRO provided extremely valuable intelligence supporting more than 15 operations to capture or kill high value targets in combat areas. In addition, NRO supported more than 120 tactical operations locating Improvised Explosive Devices, helping to prevent the most lethal attacks against our ground combat forces. These tactical support operations also included support to ground and air tactical actions; counter-terrorist actions; and maritime anti-piracy/interdiction. We also provided vital overhead support to 17 critical Combat Search and Rescue missions. In addition to ground combat operations support, NRO supported 33 Strait of Hormuz transits ensuring U.S. Naval Forces had the intelligence assistance needed for safe passage,” Sapp said in open testimony to Congress.”In both the U.S. Central and African Command Areas of Operations, NRO has developed and deployed more than 25 reference emitters which have been used over 13,000 times, andprovided a significant enhancement in our ability to geo-locate surface to air missile radar systems. This new capability has allowed U.S. and Coalition military forces to be extremely precise in targeting these significant threats.”What’s more, the NRO has sped up the turnaround time from the collection of information by the satellites to delivering that data to users like combatant commanders through new state-of-the-art systems.”Ongoing counter-insurgency and counter-terrorism activities have underscored the tremendous impact of these systems in support of combat operations throughout the Eastern Hemisphere,” said Sapp. “NRO has responded with an accelerated fielding of these ground systems that can quickly support finding and alerting potential insurgent events and meeting United States Central Command (USCENTCOM) requirements for near-real-time situational awareness battlespace.”The NRO spacecraft are considered to be some of the most sophisticated and technologically advanced in the world. But their exact capabilities, appearances and features are classified, with the public finding out only generally what they do.”The NRO is doing amazing things today. Our reconnaissance satellites are saving lives, protecting our nation from those who would do us harm and informing our national command authorities and policy makers,” said Carlson.”In the past, the process had built-in delays. Days passed before intelligence community analysts could analyze imagery that we recovered from space. That has all changed. Today we are putting data into the hands of analysts, products into the hands of warfighters, and critical information into the hands of policy makers in time to make a difference.”We’ll be providing of next week’s launch as the NRO’s latest bird takes flight from the Central Coast of California.STS-134 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Endeavour is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-134. Available in our store!Final Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is now available in our store. Get this piece of history!Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.STS-133 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Discovery is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-133. Available in our store!Anniversary Shuttle PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!This embroidered patch commemorates the 30th anniversary of the Space Shuttle Program. The design features the space shuttle Columbia’s historic maiden flight of April 12, 1981.Mercury anniversaryFree shipping to U.S. addresses!Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Alan Shephard’s historic Mercury mission with this collectors’ item, the official commemorative embroidered patch. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Delta 4-Heavy rocket demo launch timelineSPACEFLIGHT NOW

  834. Right of Withdrawal Says:

    Posted: June 25, 2006The final piece of Boeing’s new generation Delta 4 rocket fleet makes its long-awaited debut this week when a booster blasts off from the U.S. West Coast for the first time, punctuating the company’s work to develop a line of launchers and build pads in Florida and California. The mission emblem is depicted here. Credit: BoeingConceived in the Air Force’s Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle program to field new American rockets to carry government payloads for the next two decades, the Delta 4 has flown five times in its medium- and heavy-lift configurations from Cape Canaveral, Florida. Now, the maiden mission from California’s Vandenberg Air Force Base is poised for launch Tuesday evening.”We committed back in 1998 to bring really everything that the government needed — full family (of rockets) from the Medium through the Heavy and both coasts,” said Dan Collins, vice president of Boeing Expendable Launch Systems. “There is a lot of pride in getting to this point — finishing up and demonstrating the whole breadth of the Delta 4 family.”The Vandenberg launch site allows rockets to fly southward for delivery of spacecraft into orbit around Earth’s poles, allowing coverage over most of the planet’s surface. The earlier Delta 4 launches from the Cape have flown eastward to reach equatorial orbits.The payload for Tuesday’s mission is a classified spacecraft for the U.S. National Reconnaissance Office, the secretive government agency responsible for operating the nation’s network of spy satellites. The Delta 4 will haul the craft into a highly inclined, highly elliptical orbit.This launch has been in the works for years. The rocket itself was erected atop the launch pad on October 30, 2003, but delays with the payload have kept the booster earthbound.”There have been a significant number of reviews and special tests because of the length this vehicle has been on the pad,” Boeing flight director Rich Murphy said in an interview Friday.The mission was within a day of blastoff in October only to be grounded due to concerns about fuel sloshing in the second stage. Analytical models differed about the potential for sloshing, which could have jeopardized the mission.Liftoff will happen sometime between 7 and 9 p.m. PDT (10 p.m. and midnight EDT; 0200-0400 GMT). The actual target launch time has not been revealed. Credit: Boeing”Everything is looking great,” Lt. Col. David Goldstein, 4th Space Launch Squadron commander and Air Force launch director, said in an interview Friday. “Of course, you always have certain ankle biter technical issues that pop up here and there especially with a first launch from a pad.”The weather outlook predicts an 80 percent chance of meeting the launch rules. But low clouds and fog could ruin the view of liftoff. See the full forecast .The California home of Delta 4 is commonly referred to as “Slick Six” — the infamous Space Launch Complex-6 that has a star-crossed legacy. It was constructed in the 1960s for the Air Force’s Manned Orbiting Laboratory space station project and then rebuilt in the 1980s for military space shuttle launches. However, both projects were cancelled before any liftoffs occurred, leaving the massive pad in mothball status.In the 1990s, Lockheed Martin’s tiny Athena booster flew a couple of launches from the pad. The first failed, the second mission’s payload malfunctioned soon after launch, the third failed, but the final achieved complete success.Boeing moved into the complex in early 2000, beginning renovations to transform the existing shuttle facilities to support the Delta 4, including the installation of a large erector arm to hoist the assembled rockets upright, modifications to the service tower, stripping the umbilical tower to add swing arms and building the Horizontal Integration Facility nearby. Delta leaders picked Slick Six because the pad was designed from the start to launch large rockets, enabling much of its infrastructure to be reused.”I would say the main driving reason was that we were going to do a modification rather than a build from scratch. That has a lot of advantages to it. I am very, very pleased with how the modifications, the construction phase and activation phase have gone at Vandenberg,” Collins said.”We specifically set up a program to take the lessons learned from our activation of SLC-37 on the East Coast, evaluate what had gone well on the East Coast and what we felt we could improve on. That program played a huge role in letting us have a very smooth activation here on the West Coast.” SLC 6 was overhauled from its shuttle days to support Delta 4. Credit: BoeingAlthough Slick Six does not have all of the hardware in place to launch a Delta 4-Heavy — the triple-body rocket that debuted from Florida in December 2004 — Boeing officials say the pad can be upgraded quickly to support.”We have designed Vandenberg to launch the Heavy. We have done all of the scarring and we’ve bought all of the hardware. We chose not to install the outboard tail service masts, which are the umbilical assemblies at the bottom of the rocket just because we wanted to keep them in a more protected situation. Without a current demand for the Heavy, we didn’t want to install them and have them subjected to the elements just day-to-day as well as the different launch campaigns,” Collins explained.”When a need for a Heavy on the West Coast comes, we’ve got a plan in place that will install those tail service masts and we’ll be fully ready within a matter of months to launch the Heavy.”The Air Force has ordered a couple of Delta 4 launches from Slick Six. The Delta 4-Medium rocket that will fly the second mission this November — to loft a polar-orbiting military weather satellite — is in storage at the base.Watch our page for live updates during Tuesday’s countdown and launch.Telescopes.comLargest selection and the best prices anywhere in the world. Free shipping on select items. is the largest dealer of both Meade and Celestron Telescopes. Visit or call toll free 1-800-303-5873.John Glenn Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The historic first orbital flight by an American is marked by this commemorative patch for John Glenn and Friendship 7.Final Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is available in our store. Get this piece of history!Celebrate the shuttle programFree shipping to U.S. addresses!This special commemorative patch marks the retirement of NASA’s Space Shuttle Program. Available in our store!Anniversary Shuttle PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!This embroidered patch commemorates the 30th anniversary of the Space Shuttle Program. The design features the space shuttle Columbia’s historic maiden flight of April 12, 1981.Mercury anniversaryFree shipping to U.S. addresses!Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Alan Shephard’s historic Mercury mission with this collectors’ item, the official commemorative embroidered patch.Fallen Heroes Patch CollectionThe official patches from Apollo 1, the shuttle Challenger and Columbia crews are available in the store.Ares 1-X PatchThe official embroidered patch for the Ares 1-X rocket test flight, is available for purchase.Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.Expedition 21The official embroidered patch for the International Space Station Expedition 21 crew is now available from our stores.Hubble PatchThe official embroidered patch for mission STS-125, the space shuttle’s last planned service call to the Hubble Space Telescope, is available for purchase. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Delta 4 rocket prepared to launch WGS 3SPACEFLIGHT NOW

  835. Moncler Jackets Says:

    Posted: July 28, 2004For a world such a relatively small distance from Earth, Mercury remains a big mystery. The planet is hardto study: Its average distance from the Sun is just 58 million kilometers (36 million miles), or about two-thirdscloser than Earth’s orbit. Mercury is visible from Earth only for several weeks a year, just after sunsetor before sunrise, and astronomers have trouble observing it with ground telescopes through the sunlitturbulence of our atmosphere. Even the Hubble Space Telescope cannot view it because stray sunlight coulddamage its sensitive electronics. As such, many aspects of what we think we know are enigmas, perhapsunique in the solar system. Artist’s impression of the MESSENGER spacecraft in orbit at Mercury. Credit: NASA/Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory/Carnegie Institution of WashingtonThermal and dynamical obstacles challenge any spacecraft bound for Mercury, since it resides deep in theSun’s gravitational well. So far only NASA’s Mariner 10 has visited the planet, flying past it three times in1974-75 but seeing the same sunlit side on each pass. And Mariner 10 was unable to conduct the sort ofglobal reconnaissance scientists now know is needed to put any planet into context.We know less about Mercury than any of the other planets except Pluto - but what information we do haveshows this extreme, odd member of the inner planet family has an incredible, fascinating story to tell. As thefirst rock from the Sun it has the shortest year and endures more solar radiation than any planet. It is thesmallest and densest of the four rocky (or terrestrial) planets - which also include Venus, Earth and Mars- and its battered surface is perhaps one of the oldest in the solar system. It experiences the largest dailyrange in temperatures; at its hottest (about 450 degrees Celsius, or 840 degrees Fahrenheit) the surfacetemperature would melt lead, and during its long nights the cold (dipping toward -212 Celsius, or -350Fahrenheit) could turn oxygen from a gas to liquid.The MESSENGER (MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging) mission is designed toexamine the planet in detail, conducting an in-depth global investigation organized around six key sciencequestions. The answers not only will provide information specifically about Mercury, but offer a clearer,general picture of the origins and comparative evolution of all the terrestrial planets - and perhaps hint atwhat to look for in planetary systems beyond our own.Learning how Mercury ended up the densest planet (after correcting for internal pressure) will tell us muchabout how planets form near their parent star. Discovering how Mercury has sustained a magnetic fieldwhile larger bodies either lost theirs (as Mars did) or show no sign of ever having one (like Venus) will helpus understand how our own planet generates its protective magnetic field. Documenting the nature ofMercury’s thin, tenuous atmosphere and the composition of mysterious radar-reflecting deposits near its poles- thought by many scientists to be water ice - will provide new insight into the volatile materials that exist onand around the inner planets.Key Science QuestionsQuestion 1: Why is Mercury so dense?Mercury’s enormous iron core distinguishes it from every other planet in our solar system. Each terrestrialplanet has a dense, iron-rich core covered by a rocky mantle, but Mercury’s core takes up more than 60percent of its total mass - twice as much as Earth’s. Why is this so? Is it related to Mercury’s proximity to theSun?The planet’s iron heart makes it incredibly dense, which results in a surface gravity about the same asMars - a considerably larger planet. Scientists have several theories that could explain the reason forthe large core. One is that as the planets formed from the disk-shaped cloud of gas and dust known asthe solar nebula, dense particles (such as metallic iron) condensed and were preferentially retained inthe innermost regions near the Sun, forming Mercury. Another possible explanation is that tremendousheat from the Sun vaporized part of the outer rock layer on a young Mercury, leaving it a metal-richcinder. Yet a third idea is that a giant object - perhaps an asteroid - slammed into Mercury soon after itformed, blasting away much of its early crust and upper mantle.Finding the answer: The evidence for solving the mystery of Mercury’s density lies in its crustalsilicate chemistry, and the amounts of certain elements (particularly iron, sodium, calcium and titanium)on the surface will tell much about the planet’s evolution. Without geochemical remote-sensingtools, Mariner 10 could not provide any information on the chemical makeup of Mercury’s surface.MESSENGER’s spectrometers will examine the composition of the rocks on the surface and determinewhich minerals and elements are present - and which are conspicuously absent. This approach hasbeen profoundly effective for the Moon and Mars.Question 2: What is Mercury’s geologic history?Mercury has several mysterious landscape features that beg explanation, such as the relatively “young”plains seen as smooth deposits between surfaces that contain the planet’s oldest craters. Manyscientists believe flowing lava created the plains, but no one knows for sure.Over time, bombardment from stray comets and asteroids changed Mercury’s surface. Withoutencountering a significant atmosphere to burn up incoming debris, many objects slammed into theplanet to form large and small impact craters. The largest impacts, like the one that formed the TexassizedCaloris Basin, appear to have transformed entire regions of Mercury’s surface, similar to ones onthe Moon. The ramparts of Caloris span 1,300 kilometers (about 800 miles) and the tallest mountainsclimb past 3 kilometers (nearly 2 miles). Theory holds that shock waves from the Caloris impact createdthe area of chaotic terrain on the opposite side of the planet.Other mysteries include hundreds of superimposed scarps - curving cliffs, typically hundreds of metershigh and tens to hundreds of kilometers long. When did they form and in what sequence? It is possiblethese scarps formed as Mercury’s interior cooled, causing the whole planet to shrink and its crust tocontract. How much contraction, in turn, caused Mercury’s crust to buckle and scarps to form? Similarfeatures form here on Earth as lava flows cool and shrink.Finding the answer: MESSENGER will shed unprecedented light on the forces that shaped Mercury’ssurface. Its X-ray, gamma-ray, and visible-infrared spectrometers will measure the major elementsand minerals in Mercury’s surface rocks. The camera will photograph all of the planet, including the 55percent that Mariner 10 missed - and at much higher resolution than Mariner 10’s images. Nearly all ofMercury will be imaged in stereo to determine topographic variations and landforms across the globe.The laser altimeter will precisely measure the topography of surface features, and these data, whencompared with gravity field measurements gathered by tracking MESSENGER’s subtle movements inorbit, will help determine the thickness and structure of Mercury’s crust.Question 3: What is the structure of Mercury’s core?The biggest surprise from the Mariner 10 flybys was that Mercury has a global magnetic field, making itthe only terrestrial (rocky) planet besides Earth to have one. Mercury’s magnetic field is weak - about100 times weaker than Earth’s at the surface - but that it exists at all raises interesting questions aboutactivity deep inside the planet.Earth’s magnetic field is generated by the swirling motions of molten liquid in our planet’s outer core. ButMercury is so much smaller than Earth - 4,878 kilometers in diameter vs. Earth’s 12,714 kilometers (3,031miles vs. 7,900 miles) - that its core should have cooled and solidified long ago. Its many long scarps suggestthat the planet has contracted and the core has cooled, so how could Mercury’s now stagnant core generate amagnetic field? One potential answer is that the observed magnetic field is a fossil remaining from Mercury’searliest years; perhaps rocks were magnetized long ago when there was a magnetic field, and Mariner 10’smagnetometer simply recorded leftover magnetization from the rocks. Another is that the core is indeed stillliquid and actively generating the field.Finding the answer: For insight into Mercury’s insides, MESSENGER’s laser altimeter will measure theplanet’s libration - the small amount it “wobbles” as it spins on its axis. By combining this measurement withwhat we learn about Mercury’s gravity from radio science experiments, scientists will be able to deduce thesize of the planet’s core and how much of it is liquid or solid. The magnetometer should also be able to tell ifthe magnetic field stems from activity inside the planet, or from magnetic areas of the surface.Question 4: What is the nature of Mercury’s magnetic field?The solar wind - the ever-expanding atmosphere of the Sun - forces constant change in Earth’s magneticfield. We see the effects of these changes in the form of the aurora, electrical power blackouts, and TV andradio interference. Mariner 10 found that where the solar wind interacted with Mercury, the particles changedin a way that suggested the effects of an internal magnetic field. A better understanding of an internalmagnetic field smaller, weaker and much closer to the Sun than Earth’s will teach us more about our ownmagnetosphere - this is comparative planetology at its best.Earth has a dipolar magnetic field, shaped like a bar magnet’s field, with positively and negatively chargedpoles. Mercury’s field also appears to be dipolar. In contrast, the Moon and Mars lack a global dipolar magneticfield, but have local magnetic fields centered on different spots that are relicts. It’s not clear how much ofMercury’s field comes from smaller local fields (like on Mars or the Moon), and how much is indeed global,produced deep within the planet.Finding the answer: MESSENGER’s magnetometer will examine Mercury’s magnetic field over four Mercuryyears (each 88 Earth days) to determine its strength and how it varies with position, altitude and time. Themagnetometer and energetic particle and plasma spectrometer will also sense the magnetic field’s responsesto solar activity, and help separate the internal from externally induced components of the field.Question 5: What are the unusual materials at Mercury’s poles?In the early 1990s, scientists using radar (i.e., microwaves) to observe Mercury noticed that something insidecraters near its poles was strongly reflecting the radar pulses. To most experts the materials looked a lot likewhat would be expected from molecules such as water ice.At first, it seems ludicrous to even think about water ice on a planet where “daytime” temperatures near theequator can soar to 450 degrees Celsius (840 degrees Fahrenheit). But since the planet does not tilt - its spinaxis is nearly perpendicular to its equator - sunlight does not reach the floors and walls of polar craters, andtemperatures inside these craters stay perpetually cold. Could water molecules from comets and meteoriteshave become trapped in the shadowy corners of these cold craters, frozen and accumulated over billions ofyears? Or, could water vapor have seeped out from inside the planet and frozen out near the poles? Suchice deposits could be insulated by thin layers of dust and other material ejected by impacts, but still visibleto the penetrating waves of radar. Some scientists think the material isn’t water ice but something else, suchas sulfur, derived from minerals in the surface rocks. This enigma is an important topic in the comparativeplanetology of the Moon, Mercury and Mars.Finding the answer: It will be a challenge to figure out what the deposits are, because they will beinvisible to many of MESSENGER’s instruments. The very shadows that preserve the ice deposits so closeto the solar inferno keep them from being illuminated by the Sun. MESSENGER’s gamma-ray and neutronspectrometers - designed to pinpoint key elements on Mercury’s surface - will aim toward these polarcraters and may be able to sense if they are lined with water ice or other materials. Looking in the samedirection, the ultraviolet and energetic particle spectrometers could also detect hydroxyl (OH) or sulfuremissions from the deposits.Question 6: What volatiles are important at Mercury?Mercury is surrounded by an extremely thin layer of gas - so thin that, unlike in the atmospheres of Venus,Earth and Mars, the molecules surrounding Mercury don’t collide with each other. Instead, they bouncefrom place to place on the surface, almost like rubber balls. (Such an atmosphere is also referred to as an”exosphere.”)We know of six elements in Mercury’s atmosphere: hydrogen, helium, oxygen, sodium, potassium andcalcium. These elements are relatively abundant and are particularly easy to detect with Earth-basedtelescopes. Each element in the atmosphere has a different origin. Hydrogen and helium come (at least inpart) from the solar wind. Some of the hydrogen and oxygen may also come from ice that came aboardcomets and meteorites that hit the planet. The sodium, potassium, calcium and some of the oxygen isthought to come from rocks on the surface.Finding the answer: MESSENGER will measure the composition of Mercury’s atmosphere with itsultraviolet and energetic particle spectrometers. By comparing these data with X-ray and gamma-raymeasurements of the surface rocks, scientists will gain invaluable clues on the origin of each element in theplanet’s atmosphere, and learn more about where they came from.Science GroupsThe MESSENGER science team, which includes 23 investigators from 13 research institutions, is dividedinto four broad disciplinary groups. The Geology group, chaired by Dr. James Head III, Brown University,will interpret data on Mercury’s geologic history. Geochemistry, led by Dr. William Boynton, University ofArizona, will interpret measurements of Mercury’s surface composition. Geophysics, chaired by Dr. MariaZuber, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will cover the altimetry and gravity measurements. TheAtmosphere and Magnetosphere group, led by Dr. Stamatios Krimigis, the Johns Hopkins UniversityApplied Physics Laboratory, will analyze data on Mercury’s magnetic field, atmosphere, and energetic particleand thermal plasma characteristics.Final Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is now available in our store. Get this piece of history!STS-134 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Endeavour is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-134. Available in our store!Ares 1-X PatchThe official embroidered patch for the Ares 1-X rocket test flight, is available for purchase.Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.Project OrionThe Orion crew exploration vehicle is NASA’s first new human spacecraft developed since the space shuttle a quarter-century earlier. The capsule is one of the key elements of returning astronauts to the Moon.Fallen Heroes Patch CollectionThe official patches from Apollo 1, the shuttle Challenger and Columbia crews are available in the store.Gemini 12Gemini 12: The NASA Mission Reports covers the voyage of James Lovell and Buzz Aldrin that capped the Gemini program’s efforts to prove the technologies and techniques that would be needed for the Apollo Moon landings. Includes CD-ROM.Choose your store: - - - Apollo 11 special patchSpecial collectors’ patch marking the 35th anniversary of the historic Apollo 11 moon landing is now available.Choose your store: - - - Inside Apollo mission controlAn insider’s view of how Apollo flight controllers operated and just what they faced when events were crucial. Choose your store: The ultimate Apollo 11 DVD This exceptional chronicle of the historic Apollo 11 lunar landing mission features new digital transfers of film and television coverage unmatched by any other.Choose your store: - - - Next ISS crewOwn a little piece of history with this official patch for the International Space Station’s Expedition 11 crew. We’ll ship yours today!Choose your store: | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Pad gantry rolled back from the Delta 4-Heavy rocketThe 330-foot tall mobile service tower rolled away from the Delta 4-Heavy rocket at Cape Canaveral’s launch pad 37B at 10 a.m. in preparation for liftoff January 14.Photo credit: Stephen Clark/Spaceflight Now Credit: Stephen Clark/Spaceflight NowFinal Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is now available in our store. Get this piece of history!STS-134 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Endeavour is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-134. Available in our store!Ares 1-X PatchThe official embroidered patch for the Ares 1-X rocket test flight, is available for purchase.Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.Project OrionThe Orion crew exploration vehicle is NASA’s first new human spacecraft developed since the space shuttle a quarter-century earlier. The capsule is one of the key elements of returning astronauts to the Moon.Fallen Heroes Patch CollectionThe official patches from Apollo 1, the shuttle Challenger and Columbia crews are available in the store. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Pad to be refurbished for time-critical launch SPACEFLIGHT NOWPosted: March 20, 2004 The sun rises Saturday as the countdown was underway for launch of the Delta 2 rocket carrying GPS 2R-11 from pad 17B. Credit: Carleton Bailie/BoeingFor the Delta launch team at Cape Canaveral, there is little time to spare following Saturday’s successful mission as workers refurbish pad 17B for its next mission.NASA’s MESSENGER space probe to orbit the planet Mercury is slated for liftoff May 11 from the seaside complex aboard a Boeing Delta 2-Heavy rocket. Assembly of the rocket’s stages begins at the pad on March 31.But before the first stage can be delivered to the pad, routine post-launch cleaning has to be performed after Saturday’s fiery flight that carried a Global Positioning System satellite into orbit.”We have about a week-and-a-half to basically scrub the pad down, take care of any damage that occurs from either fire or blast,” said Lt. Col. Brad Broemmel, Air Force launch director and commander of the 1st Space Launch Squadron at the Cape.”That is typically a two-week process. We’ve done it in as short as four or five days. So we believe we have the team primed and ready to do the maintenance required to be ready for MESSENGER.”MESSENGER must be launched during a 12-day period that opens May 11 when planetary conditions are right for its journey to begin.Neighboring pad 17A is currently out of service for upgrades and maintenance. And MESSENGER must launch from pad 17B because that complex is equipped to handle the larger solid rocket motors used by its Delta 2-Heavy launcher.Saturday’s launch was the 111th for the Delta 2 rocket over the past 15 years, and marked the 56th consecutive successful flight dating to 1997.In addition, it was the first Delta 2 to fly in 2004. The Cape expects a total of six Delta 2 launches this year including two more GPS satellite missions, NASA’s Swift gamma-ray observatory this fall and the Deep Impact comet probe at year’s end.Three additional Delta 2s are slated to fly from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, starting April 17 with NASA’s long-delayed Gravity Probe-B mission to test predictions of Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity.Video coverage for subscribers only:VIDEO:DELTA 2 ROCKET BLASTS OFF WITH GPS 2R-11 VIDEO:LONGER LENGTH LAUNCH MOVIE VIDEO:SPACECRAFT SEPARATION ANNOUNCED VIDEO:FIRST COUNTDOWN HALTED BY ALARM Mars rover collectible patchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!This commemorative patch celebrates NASA’s Curiosity rover mission of the Mars Science Laboratory in search of clues whether the Red Planet was once hospitable to life.Columbia ReportA reproduction of the official accident investigation report into the loss of the space shuttle Columbia and its crew of seven. Choose your store: - - - Mars PanoramaDISCOUNTED! This 360 degree image was taken by the Mars Pathfinder, which landed on the Red Planet in July 1997. The Sojourner Rover is visible in the image. Choose your store:Apollo 11 Mission ReportApollo 11 - The NASA Mission Reports Vol. 3 is the first comprehensive study of man’s first mission to another world is revealed in all of its startling complexity. Includes DVD!Choose your store: - - - Rocket DVDIf you’ve ever watched a launch from Kennedy Space Center, Cape Canaveral, Vandenberg Air Force Base or even Kodiak Island Alaska, there’s no better way to describe what you witnessed than with this DVD.Choose your store: - - - STS-134 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Endeavour is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-134. Available in our store!Final Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is now available in our store. Get this piece of history!Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.STS-133 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Discovery is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-133. Available in our store!Anniversary Shuttle PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!This embroidered patch commemorates the 30th anniversary of the Space Shuttle Program. The design features the space shuttle Columbia’s historic maiden flight of April 12, 1981.Mercury anniversaryFree shipping to U.S. addresses!Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Alan Shephard’s historic Mercury mission with this collectors’ item, the official commemorative embroidered patch. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Payload hoisted atop Delta for NROL-15SPACEFLIGHT NOWPosted: June 24, 2012 About a month before its scheduled launch, a classified satellite payload already encapsulated in the lengthy nose cone is hoisted into the mobile service gantry and placed atop the United Launch Alliance Delta 4-Heavy rocket at Cape Canaveral’s Complex 37.The bullet-shaped shroud protects the satellite during ascent through Earth’s atmosphere and then gets jettisoned to uncover the craft after the threshold the space is reached.The payload is known only as NROL-15 for the National Reconnaissance Office.See our for the latest news on the launch.Photo credit: United Launch AlliancePayload mated for launch aboard next Delta 4 rocket BY SPACEFLIGHT NOWPosted: July 11, 2014 CAPE CANAVERAL — Two spacecraft that will track man-made objects and deter threats in geosynchronous orbit were hauled to the launch pad today and mounted atop a United Launch Alliance Delta 4 booster rocket. File photo of payload being mated to Delta 4. Credit: ULATwin Geosynchronous Space Situational Awareness Program satellites, or GSSAP, will be launched into orbit on July 23 from Cape Canaveral, Florida.”This previously classified program will deliver two satellites..for launch into near geosynchronous orbit,” said Douglas Loverro, deputy assistant secretary of defense for space policy, at the Department of Defense.”Our decision to declassify this program was simple. We need to monitor what happens 22,000 miles above the Earth, and we want to make sure that everyone knows we can do so. We believe that such efforts add immeasurably to both the safety of space flight and the stability that derives from the ability to attribute actions — to the benefit of all space-faring nations and all who rely on space-based services.”Built by Orbital Sciences, one craft will fly just below and the other just above the geosynchronous satellite belt. That’s where spacecraft orbit 22,300 miles in altitude and match the Earth’s rotation to appear parked over one spot of the globe — such as communications, weather, missile warning and eavesdropping reconnaissance platforms.”The electro-optical payload on GSSAP gives us very close-up neighborhood watch capability that helps prevent surprise, and that protects our assets in GEO,” said Gen. William Shelton, head of Air Force Space Command.In preparation for the launch, the payload, already encapsulated in the 39-foot-long, 13-foot-diameter nose cone was delivered to Complex 37 this morning for hoisting into the pad gantry and attachment to the Delta 4’s upper stage.The move occurred following a successful countdown dress rehearsal and rocket fueling exercise on Tuesday.Liftoff on July 23 is slated to occur some time between 6 and 10 p.m. EDT (2200-0200 GMT). The exact launch time has not been announced.The launch will be the 368th for a Delta rocket, the 27th Delta 4 and the 12th to fly in the Medium+ (4,2) configuration with a pair of strap-on solid motors.For United Launch Alliance, it is the company’s 33rd flight for the Air Force, the 85th launch overall since 2006 and the 8th just this year.About the authorJustin Ray has been a reporter with Spaceflight Now since the website’s inception in November 1999. The online news service, based at Cape Canaveral, has documented U.S. and international space news with a specialty of live launch coverage.Prior to that, Justin worked for two years as an aerospace reporter at the Florida Today newspaper and its pioneering Space Online website. He began his career as an intern at Patrick Air Force Base’s public affairs office in 1996 and wrote for the Missileer base newspaper.The Ohio native has covered 134 Delta rocket launches, 94 Atlas flights, 65 space shuttle missions and construction of the International Space Station, plus scientific spacecraft such as the Mars rovers and Cassini. He attended college at the University of Central Florida and now resides in Viera, Florida.Final Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is now available in our store. Get this piece of history!STS-134 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Endeavour is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-134. Available in our store!Ares 1-X PatchThe official embroidered patch for the Ares 1-X rocket test flight, is available for purchase.Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.Project OrionThe Orion crew exploration vehicle is NASA’s first new human spacecraft developed since the space shuttle a quarter-century earlier. The capsule is one of the key elements of returning astronauts to the Moon.Fallen Heroes Patch CollectionThe official patches from Apollo 1, the shuttle Challenger and Columbia crews are available in the store. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Phoenix launch timelineSPACEFLIGHT NOW

  836. Woolrich MensDown Jacket Says:

    Posted: June 6, 2007T-00:00LiftoffThe Delta 2 rocket’s main engine and twin vernier steering thrusters are started moments before launch. The four strap-on solid rocket motors are ignited at T-0 to begin the mission.T+01:04.0SRB BurnoutThe ground-start Alliant TechSystems-built solid rocket motors consume all their propellant and burn out.T+01:22.5Jettison SRBsThe spent solid rocket boosters are jettisoned to fall into the Pacific Ocean. The spent casings remained attached until the vehicle passed into preset drop zone, clear of offshore oil platforms.T+01:25.0Begin Dog-legAfter initially flying from Vandenberg along a 196-degree flight azimuth, the rocket begins steering itself to obtain the desired orbital inclination. This dog-leg maneuver continues for 35 seconds.T+04:24.0Main Engine CutoffAfter consuming its RP-1 fuel and liquid oxygen, the Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne RS-27A first stage main engine is shut down. The vernier engines cut off moments later.T+04:32.0Stage SeparationThe Delta rocket’s first stage is separated now, having completed its job. The spent stage will fall into the Pacific Ocean.T+04:37.5Second Stage IgnitionWith the stage jettisoned, the rocket’s second stage takes over. The Aerojet AJ118-K liquid-fueled engine ignites for the first of two firings needed to place the COSMO 1 spacecraft into the proper orbit.T+04:41.5Jettison Payload FairingThe 10-foot diameter payload fairing that protected the COSMO 1 cargo atop the Delta 2 during the atmospheric ascent is jettisoned is two halves.T+11:25.1Second Stage Cutoff 1The second stage engine shuts down to complete its first firing of the launch. The rocket and attached spacecraft are now in a long coast period before the second stage reignites. The orbit achieved should be 348 nautical miles at apogee, 100 miles at perigee and inclined 97.8 degrees.T+53:27.0Second Stage RestartDelta’s second stage engine reignites for a short firing to raise the orbit’s perigee.T+53:39.4Second Stage Cutoff 2The second stage shuts down after a 12-second burn. The orbit achieved should be 341.0 nautical miles at apogee, 334.7 miles at perigee and inclined 97.86 degrees.T+58:00.0Payload SeparationThe Italian COSMO-SkyMed radar Earth-imaging satellite is released from the Delta 2 rocket, completing the launch.Data source: ULA.STS-134 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Endeavour is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-134. Available in our store!Final Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is now available in our store. Get this piece of history!Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.STS-133 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Discovery is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-133. Available in our store!Anniversary Shuttle PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!This embroidered patch commemorates the 30th anniversary of the Space Shuttle Program. The design features the space shuttle Columbia’s historic maiden flight of April 12, 1981.Mercury anniversaryFree shipping to U.S. addresses!Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Alan Shephard’s historic Mercury mission with this collectors’ item, the official commemorative embroidered patch. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Delta 326 launch timelineSPACEFLIGHT NOW

  837. Womens Resolute Parka Says:

    Posted: December 19, 2007T-00:00LiftoffThe Delta 2 rocket’s main engine and twin vernier steering thrusters are started moments before launch. The six ground-start strap-on solid rocket motors are ignited at T-0 to begin the mission.T+01:03.1Ground SRM BurnoutThe six ground-start Alliant TechSystems-built solid rocket motors consume all their propellant and burn out.T+01:05.5Air-Lit SRM IgnitionThe three remaining solid rocket motors strapped to the Delta 2 rocket’s first stage are ignited.T+01:06.0Jettison Ground SRMsThe six spent ground-started solid rocket boosters are jettisoned in sets of three to fall into the Atlantic Ocean.T+02:11.5Jettison Air-Lit SRMsHaving burned out, the three spent air-started solid rocket boosters are jettisoned toward the Atlantic Ocean.T+04:23.4Main Engine CutoffAfter consuming its RP-1 fuel and liquid oxygen, the Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne RS-27A first stage main engine is shut down. The vernier engines cut off moments later.T+04:31.4Stage SeparationThe Delta rocket’s first stage is separated now, having completed its job. The spent stage will fall into the Atlantic Ocean.T+04:36.9Second Stage IgnitionWith the stage jettisoned, the rocket’s second stage takes over. The Aerojet AJ118-K liquid-fueled engine ignites for the first of two firings needed to place the upper stage and GPS 2R-18 satellite into the proper orbit.T+04:57.0Jettison Payload FairingThe 9.5-foot diameter payload fairing that protected the GPS 2R-18 satellite atop the Delta 2 during the atmospheric ascent is jettisoned is two halves.T+10:48.1Second Stage Cutoff 1The second stage engine shuts down to complete its first firing of the launch. The rocket and attached GPS 2R-18 spacecraft are now in a coast period before the second stage reignites. The orbit achieved should be 111 miles at apogee, 94 miles at perigee and inclined 37.5 degrees.T+62:29.2Second Stage RestartDelta’s second stage engine reignites for a brief firing that will raise the orbit’s high point.T+63:11.7Second Stage Cutoff 2The second stage shuts down. The orbit achieved should be 670 miles at apogee, 103 miles at perigee and inclined 37.95 degrees. Over the next minute, tiny thrusters on the side of the rocket will be fired to spin up the vehicle in preparation for stage separation.T+64:04.7Stage SeparationThe liquid-fueled second stage is jettisoned from the rest of the Delta 2 rocket.T+64:41.7Third Stage IgnitionThe Thiokol Star 48B solid-fueled third stage is ignited to deliver the GPS 2R-18 satellite into its intended orbit around Earth.T+66:08.4Third Stage BurnoutHaving used up all its solid-propellant, the third stage burns out to completed the powered phase of the launch sequence for GPS 2R-18.T+68:01.7GPS 2R-18 SeparationThe U.S. Air Force’s NAVSTAR Global Positioning System Block 2R-18 spacecraft is released into space. The Delta should have placed the satellite into a transfer orbit with a high point of 10,998 nautical miles and low point of 104 nautical miles inclined 40 degrees. The satellite will circularize its orbit and raise inclination to 55 degrees for joining the GPS constellation.Data source: ULAAres 1-X PatchThe official embroidered patch for the Ares 1-X rocket test flight, is available for purchase.Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.Expedition 21The official embroidered patch for the International Space Station Expedition 21 crew is now available from our stores.Hubble PatchThe official embroidered patch for mission STS-125, the space shuttle’s last planned service call to the Hubble Space Telescope, is available for purchase. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.GPS 2R-19 launch timelineSPACEFLIGHT NOW

  838. Moncler Bags Says:

    Posted: January 5, 2011 Later photographs from 1985 provide another look at the only time a space shuttle vehicle ever stood at Vandenberg Air Force Base’s Space Launch Complex 6. The program of launching military space shuttle flights into polar orbits from California would be cancelled before any missions ever took off and the SLC-6 pad eventually transferred to the Delta 4 rocket.Credit: U.S. Air Force photos Credit: U.S. Air Force photos | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.First ULA Delta 2 launchPosted: December 15, 2006The first United Launch Alliance Delta 2 rocket ascends from Vandenberg Air Force Base carrying a classified payload for the National Reconnaissance Office. Credit: Thom Baur/ULA Credit: Thom Baur/ULA Credit: U.S. Air Force photo by Michael Stonecypher Credit: U.S. Air Force photo by Master Sgt. Richard Freeland Credit: U.S. Air Force photo by Master Sgt. Richard Freeland Credit: Thom Baur/ULAAdditional coverage for subscribers:VIDEO:DAZZLING ONBOARD CAMERA FOOTAGE OF LAUNCH VIDEO:DELTA 2 ROCKET BLASTS OFF WITH NRO PAYLOAD VIDEO:PAD GANTRY ROLLED BACK ON LAUNCH MORNING VIDEO:DELTA 2 ROCKET BEING ASSEMBLED ON THE PAD Ares 1-X PatchThe official embroidered patch for the Ares 1-X rocket test flight, is available for purchase.Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.Expedition 21The official embroidered patch for the International Space Station Expedition 21 crew is now available from our stores.Hubble PatchThe official embroidered patch for mission STS-125, the space shuttle’s last planned service call to the Hubble Space Telescope, is available for purchase. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.First ULA Delta 2 rocketPosted: December 14, 2006When the mobile service tower was rolled back this morning, the first United Launch Alliance Delta 2 rocket was revealed. ULA logos appear on the rocket and the pad’s umbilical tower. Credit: Thom Baur/ULAAres 1-X PatchThe official embroidered patch for the Ares 1-X rocket test flight, is available for purchase.Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.Expedition 21The official embroidered patch for the International Space Station Expedition 21 crew is now available from our stores.Hubble PatchThe official embroidered patch for mission STS-125, the space shuttle’s last planned service call to the Hubble Space Telescope, is available for purchase. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.First-of-its-kind satellite for GPS launched into space SPACEFLIGHT NOWPosted: May 28, 2010 A new era for the Global Positioning System rocketed into orbit Thursday night, beginning a concerted effort to sharpen the precision capabilities beaming from the world’s foremost space-based navigation network. Credit: Stephen Clark/Spaceflight Now “GPS is used by nearly a billion people worldwide for everything from farming and aviation to public safety, disaster relief and recreation, not to mention its military purpose of providing precision navigation and timing to combat forces,” said Col. David Madden, the Air Force’s GPS Wing commander.Some 60 satellites have been launched for the system over the past three decades, initially testing the concept and later assembling the operational grid in use today.And now the Air Force has successfully launched the first spacecraft in the Block 2F series, a new breed of GPS satellite that features even higher accuracy, enhanced internal clocks, longer life and reprogrammable onboard processors to evolve with future needs.”GPS 2F will increase the signal power, precision and capacity of the system, and form the core of the GPS constellation for years to come,” said Madden.A United Launch Alliance Delta 4 rocket, flying in its Medium+ variant equipped with a pair of solid-fuel strap-on motors, roared into Cape Canaveral’s nighttime sky at 11:00 p.m. EDT carrying the GPS 2F-1 satellite nestled in its nose cone.Unlike GPS launches over the past 20 years that relied on Delta 2 rockets for delivery into orbit, the new-generation 2F satellites also got upgraded to the larger, more capable Delta 4 and Atlas 5 fleets of boosters in the Air Force’s Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle program. Although the Delta 2 was highly reliable, it wasn’t powerful enough to inject the GPS satellites directly into the orbiting constellation. The birds needed their own kick motor and several days to reach the desired destination.That all changed Thursday night when the Delta 4’s upper stage performed three firings that methodically hauled the GPS 2F-1 satellite into a circular orbit 11,000 nautical miles above the planet. In just three-and-a-half hours, the $121 million spacecraft had arrived at the proper altitude and completely bypassed the circuitous route of its predecessors. An artist’s concept shows a GPS 2F satellite in Earth orbit. Credit: BoeingBoeing is building a dozen Block 2F satellites to replace orbiting GPS spacecraft as they age, keeping the navigation signals going strong for years to come.”These next-generation satellites provide improved accuracy through advanced atomic clocks; a more jam-resistant military signal and a longer design life than earlier GPS satellites; and a new civil signal that benefits aviation safety and search-and-rescue efforts,” said Craig Cooning, vice president and general manager at Boeing Space and Intelligence Systems. “GPS 2F is the culmination of our deep experience with 39 successful satellites from previous missions, representing more than 30 years of teamwork with the Air Force.”"Normally when you are launching the first-of-a-kind satellite you’d be really worried because it’s a system that’s more complex than the last generation. In this case, we’ve added capability but it’s built on a foundation of success from the 2A program, which was a massively successful program,” Madden said.Today’s GPS constellation is comprised of 30 functioning satellites, including 11 Block 2A’s made by Boeing, 12 2R’s and 7 2R-Modernized spacecraft built by Lockheed Martin. Their ages range from the teens to less than a year old.”The current GPS constellation has the most satellites and the greatest capability ever. We’re committed to maintaining our current level of service, as well as striving to improve service and capability through on-going modernization efforts,” Madden said.”The U.S. Air Force and Air Force Space Command have been diligent stewards of GPS since its conception in the 1970s and continue its commitment to this critical component of our national infrastructure.”GPS satellites emit continuous navigation signals that allow users to find their position in latitude, longitude and altitude and determine time. Originally built as a tool for the U.S. military, the utility has spread across the world as an indispensable commercial service. One of the GPS 2F satellites is pictured at the manufacturing facility. Credit: BoeingGround controllers expect to have the 2F-1 satellite checked out and ready for use in 90 to 120 days, the Air Force says.The new GPS 2F-1 spacecraft take over the Plane B, Slot 2 location of the network, considered one of the primary positions in the constellation that is divided into six orbital groupings with multiple satellites flying in each.The craft will take the position presently held by the GPS 2A-27 satellite, which was launched in September 1996 and has exceeded its expected lifetime. It will be relocated as part of the Air Force’s efforts to spread out the available satellites and increase coverage.That particular slot was supposed to be occupied by the GPS 2R-20 satellite after it launched in March 2009. But an interference problem with a test payload aboard the craft prevented it from entering service as scheduled.Getting to Thursday’s launch, which was years in the making, took much longer than planners of the Block 2F program ever imagined.”We’ve had some growing pains with the 2F, but our industry and government teams have overcome every obstacle that’s been thrown our way as we’ve maintained our focus on mission assurance,” said Madden.”Over the years, requirements changes, contractor technical challenges, a change in factory location and a increased emphasis on mission assurance have driven changes to the launch schedule. In the end, the changes over the years will give global users better capabilities and improve our confidence in the day-to-day and end-of-life performance,” the Global Positioning Systems Wing said.Since sustaining the constellation is the main purpose for the GPS 2F satellites, the upcoming launches will be scheduled when fresh spacecraft are needed.”There are too many variables to accurately predict when the entire Block 2F fleet will arrive on-orbit,” the Wing says.The Air Force could launch the GPS 2F-2 satellite in November or December using an Atlas 5 rocket from Cape Canaveral.”Constellation health and launch vehicle availability will dictate this and the remaining GPS 2F launches,” the Wing said. Final Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is now available in our store. Get this piece of history!STS-134 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Endeavour is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-134. Available in our store!Ares 1-X PatchThe official embroidered patch for the Ares 1-X rocket test flight, is available for purchase.Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.Project OrionThe Orion crew exploration vehicle is NASA’s first new human spacecraft developed since the space shuttle a quarter-century earlier. The capsule is one of the key elements of returning astronauts to the Moon.Fallen Heroes Patch CollectionThe official patches from Apollo 1, the shuttle Challenger and Columbia crews are available in the store. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Five spacecraft launched to probe explosive space stormsSPACEFLIGHT NOW

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    Posted: October 22, 2008T-00:00LiftoffThe Delta 2 rocket’s main engine and twin vernier steering thrusters are started moments before launch. The four strap-on solid rocket motors are ignited at T-0 to begin the mission.T+01:04.0SRB BurnoutThe ground-start Alliant TechSystems-built solid rocket motors consume all their propellant and burn out.T+01:22.5Jettison SRBsThe spent solid rocket boosters are jettisoned to fall into the Pacific Ocean. The spent casings remained attached until the vehicle passed into preset drop zone, clear of offshore oil platforms.T+01:25.0Begin Dog-legAfter initially flying from Vandenberg along a 196-degree flight azimuth, the rocket begins steering itself to obtain the desired orbital inclination. This dog-leg maneuver continues for 35 seconds.T+04:24.0Main Engine CutoffAfter consuming its RP-1 fuel and liquid oxygen, the Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne RS-27A first stage main engine is shut down. The vernier engines cut off moments later.T+04:32.0Stage SeparationThe Delta rocket’s first stage is separated now, having completed its job. The spent stage will fall into the Pacific Ocean.T+04:37.5Second Stage IgnitionWith the stage jettisoned, the rocket’s second stage takes over. The Aerojet AJ118-K liquid-fueled engine ignites for the first of two firings needed to place the COSMO 3 spacecraft into the proper orbit.T+04:41.5Jettison Payload FairingThe 10-foot diameter payload fairing that protected the COSMO 3 cargo atop the Delta 2 during the atmospheric ascent is jettisoned is two halves.T+11:25.1Second Stage Cutoff 1The second stage engine shuts down to complete its first firing of the launch. The rocket and attached spacecraft are now in a long coast period before the second stage reignites. The orbit achieved should be 348 nautical miles at apogee, 100 miles at perigee and inclined 97.8 degrees.T+53:27.0Second Stage RestartDelta’s second stage engine reignites for a short firing to raise the orbit’s perigee.T+53:39.4Second Stage Cutoff 2The second stage shuts down after a 12-second burn. The orbit achieved should be 341.0 nautical miles at apogee, 334.7 miles at perigee and inclined 97.86 degrees.T+58:00.0Payload SeparationThe Italian COSMO-SkyMed radar Earth-imaging satellite is released from the Delta 2 rocket, completing the launch.Data source: ULA.John Glenn Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The historic first orbital flight by an American is marked by this commemorative patch for John Glenn and Friendship 7.Final Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is available in our store. Get this piece of history!Celebrate the shuttle programFree shipping to U.S. addresses!This special commemorative patch marks the retirement of NASA’s Space Shuttle Program. Available in our store!Anniversary Shuttle PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!This embroidered patch commemorates the 30th anniversary of the Space Shuttle Program. The design features the space shuttle Columbia’s historic maiden flight of April 12, 1981.Mercury anniversaryFree shipping to U.S. addresses!Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Alan Shephard’s historic Mercury mission with this collectors’ item, the official commemorative embroidered patch.Fallen Heroes Patch CollectionThe official patches from Apollo 1, the shuttle Challenger and Columbia crews are available in the store. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Delta 338 launch timelineSPACEFLIGHT NOW

  840. Moncler Collections Says:

    Posted: September 30, 2009T-00:00LiftoffThe Delta 2 rocket’s main engine and twin vernier steering thrusters are started moments before launch. Six of the nine strap-on solid rocket motors are ignited at T-0 to begin the mission.T+01:04.0Ground SRB BurnoutThe six ground-start Alliant TechSystems-built solid rocket motors consume all their propellant and burn out.T+01:05.5Air-Lit SRM IgnitionThe three remaining solid rocket motors strapped to the Delta 2 rocket’s first stage are ignited.T+01:26.0Jettison SRBsThe spent solid rocket boosters are jettisoned to fall into the Pacific Ocean. The spent casings remained attached until the vehicle passed into preset drop zone, clear of offshore oil platforms.T+01:30.0Begin Dog-legAfter initially flying from Vandenberg along a 196-degree flight azimuth, the rocket begins steering itself to obtain the desired orbital inclination. This dog-leg maneuver continues for 52 seconds.T+02:11.5Jettison Air-Lit SRMsHaving burned out, the three spent air-started solid rocket boosters are jettisoned toward the Pacific Ocean.T+04:23.4Main Engine CutoffAfter consuming its RP-1 fuel and liquid oxygen, the Pratt & Whitney Rocketdyne RS-27A first stage main engine is shut down. The vernier engines cut off moments later.T+04:31.4Stage SeparationThe Delta rocket’s first stage is separated now, having completed its job. The spent stage will fall into the Pacific Ocean.T+04:36.9Second Stage IgnitionWith the stage jettisoned, the rocket’s second stage takes over. The Aerojet AJ118-K liquid-fueled engine ignites for the first of two firings needed to place the WorldView 2 spacecraft into the proper orbit.T+04:41.0Jettison Payload FairingThe 10-foot diameter payload fairing that protected the WorldView 2 cargo atop the Delta 2 during the atmospheric ascent is jettisoned is two halves.T+10:52.4Second Stage Cutoff 1The second stage engine shuts down to complete its first firing of the launch. The rocket and attached spacecraft are now in a long coast period before the second stage reignites. The orbit achieved should be 435 nautical miles at apogee, 106 miles at perigee and inclined 98.6 degrees.T+53:34.0Second Stage RestartDelta’s second stage engine reignites for a short firing to boost the elliptical orbit into a more circular one.T+53:56.4Second Stage Cutoff 2The second stage shuts down after a 22-second burn. The orbit achieved should be 419 nautical miles at apogee, 413 miles at perigee and inclined 98.6 degrees.T+60:30.0Initiate SpinThe second stage begins a nine-degree per second spin in preparation for releasing the WorldView 2 spacecraft to fly on its own.T+61:40.0Payload SeparationThe WorldView 2 commercial Earth-imaging satellite is released from the Delta 2 rocket, completing the launch.Data source: ULA.STS-134 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Endeavour is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-134. Available in our store!Final Shuttle Mission PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The crew emblem for the final space shuttle mission is now available in our store. Get this piece of history!Apollo CollageThis beautiful one piece set features the Apollo program emblem surrounded by the individual mission logos.STS-133 PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!The final planned flight of space shuttle Discovery is symbolized in the official embroidered crew patch for STS-133. Available in our store!Anniversary Shuttle PatchFree shipping to U.S. addresses!This embroidered patch commemorates the 30th anniversary of the Space Shuttle Program. The design features the space shuttle Columbia’s historic maiden flight of April 12, 1981.Mercury anniversaryFree shipping to U.S. addresses!Celebrate the 50th anniversary of Alan Shephard’s historic Mercury mission with this collectors’ item, the official commemorative embroidered patch. | | | | 2014 Spaceflight Now Inc.Delta 350 launch timelineSPACEFLIGHT NOW

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    tous deux médaillés d’or de Keirin ou encore Pete Reed. e con loro avrebbe espresso il suorammarico per quanto accaduto oggi: mi dispiace che quanto 鑑ccaduto ?avvenuto in un giorno di festa. amenée notamment par le duo, Prima del 1962 la fede era solo autorit?e superstizione. come era normale che fosse,I Fratelli musulmani non sono pi?soli in Egitto: dovranno vedersela con un partito confessionale in certo senso speculare che rappresenter?i cristiani del Paese e che si chiamer?appunto parla della manovra: “Molte misure sono contrarie a quelle che vorremmoo noi da liberali veri.Ieri ?stato anche smentito che sia in programma un incontro riservato tra Berlusconi e Bertone In passato ?accaduto che i due capi delegazione si siano appartati per qualche istante (ma ci?non viene programmato in anticipo) mentre una volta soltanto in tempi recenti accadde che il previsto incontro tra delegazioni si fosse immediatamente trasformato in un mini-vertice a due e a porte chiuse escludendo gli altri interlocutori Ma all抏poca il premier era Romano ProdiIl nuovo ambasciatore d扞talia presso la Santa Sede Francesco Maria Greco insediatosi lo scorso dicembre si ?trovato a dover organizzare il suo primo vertice-ricevimento in un momento non semplice nei rapporti tra Chiesa e Stato che rimangono buoni ma che non possono ignorare le dichiarazioni di Bertone e di Bagnasco sulla necessaria sobriet?e decoro per chi ricopre incarichi pubblici L抋mbasciatore ?riuscito a fare in modo che l抋nnuale appuntamento solennizzato in questo 2011 dalla festa dell扷nit?italiana non subisca variazioni rispetto al passato L抋ccordo di entrambe le parti come pure del Colle ?per far s?che l抜ncontro non venga strumentalizzato n?si trasformi in una photo-opportunity fatta solo di sorrisi ma rimanga assolutamente nei binari del profilo istituzionaleIl Cavaliere e i suoi ministri da una parte il Segretario di Stato con i cardinali Bagnasco e Nicora dall抋ltra parleranno per circa venti minuti L抋genda prevede diversi punti all抩rdine del giorno ma non ?affatto detto che siano toccati tutti: tra questi le intese per l抋ssistenza spirituale nel mondo della sanit?e nelle carceri la questione del fine-vita la scuola paritaria e il quoziente familiare Alle 17 arriver?Giorgio Napolitano insieme ai presidenti di Camera Senato e Corte costituzionale I colloqui continueranno per un抋ltra ventina di minuti ma saranno limitati soltanto a questioni internazionali come la crisi nei Paesi del Nord Africa e Medio Oriente e la persecuzione dei cristianiInfine si aggiungeranno altri ospiti: politici membri del governo e cardinali Oltre ai tre della delegazione vaticana ne dovrebbero essere presenti una quindicina Tra loro anche il cardinale Camillo Ruini che domani compir?ottant抋nni Proprio ieri Bagnasco ha annunciato che il 17 marzo presieder?una celebrazione a Santa Maria degli Angeli a Roma in occasione del 150?anniversario dell扷nit?d扞taliaQuesto pomeriggio Silvio Berlusconi si trover?faccia a faccia con il Segretario di Stato vaticano Tarcisio Bertone e con il presidente della Cei Angelo Bagnasco Florilège des meilleurs twitpics de la semaine ! ndr)? Tra sfilate, Amanda Seyfried a déjà vécu des relations avec les comédiens Dominic Cooper et Ryan Phillippe.

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    {Kudos|Cheers|Many thanks|Thanks}|
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    Warning the dumbocrats that they much better enjoy out for a
    new climbing star in the republican party.I consider I may have jinxed my man Marco Rubio.
    Just times back I was praising him for his 2Pac expertise.
    Warning the dumbocrats that they superior view out for a new growing star in the republican celebration. And then, inexplicably, he
    goes out and bombs very last evening on countrywide
    tv. To start with Clint and his chair and now Marco
    and his h2o bottle. These republicans confident appreciate
    their inanimate objects. They are calling this “Watergate II”, drinking water -bottle-gate, “gulp- gate”, you title
    it. It’s the attain. Sip found all-around the planet.
    Very first of all, what self respecting person drinks Poland Springs water?
    But I digress. In any case, poor Marco experienced the dry throat
    and the heat nervousness point likely pretty potent.- What is it about adhering to O that can make these republican stars wilt below pressure like Donovan McNabb in the 4th quarter?
    I won’t be able to blame the inadequate guy, he has been carrying the potential of
    the republican social gathering on his shoulders of late.

    This decision led to the expansion and advancement of traditionally black faculties and universities.Ten decades immediately after this act was legislated, the Freedman’s Bureau
    was proven to supply support to a tiny selection of HBCUs.
    The Second Morrill Act of 1890 led to the institution of nineteen HBCUs.
    Despite the fact that these three legislative acts offered an atmosphere for adjust, it was the segregation motion in the
    South that offered the impetus for black larger training, specially with the 1896
    Supreme Courtroom selection in Plessy v. Ferguson, which finally set up by
    legislation the suitable to set up separate but equal colleges for blacks.
    This selection led to the enlargement and advancement of traditionally black
    schools and universities. Historically black colleges and universities enhanced from one particular in 1837 to more than 100 in 1973.
    Most of these faculties had been launched right after the Plessyv.
    Ferguson conclusion. In accordance to Jacqueline Fleming, “the the greater part of black general public schools, then, developed out of point out dreams to steer clear of admitting blacks to current white institutions” (p.

    5). On May possibly 17, 1954, the Supreme Court dominated
    in Brown v. Board of Training of Topeka, Kansas that
    independent instruction for blacks in community educational facilities was unconstitutional for the reason that individual
    amenities are inherently unequal. This selection, which finished de jure
    racial segregation in community educational facilities, also
    impacted better training, as states ended up demanded to dismantle dual programs of greater instruction. This
    necessary predominantly white institutions (PWIs) to open up their doorways
    to black learners, who prior to this time could not go
    to these establishments. Apparently plenty of, the outcomes of a decision produced in the mid-twentieth century nonetheless linger
    in greater training in the early twenty-initial century, for nowhere are the repercussions from
    the Brown final decision much more obvious than in HBCUs.
    The dismantling of dual devices in higher instruction has resulted in mergers and closures of HBCUs for
    the reason that opponents of these institutions view them as segregated colleges and universities.
    This has led to a sequence of conversations, debates,
    and courtroom rulings that underscore the reality that there not plenty of investigate has been completed on this phase of increased schooling.

    So yeah, I keep in mind a great deal of factors about 911 and
    the horror that surrounded that working day.
    We are even extra divided, and our president is nevertheless hoping to rating political factors from this tragedy.
    I get upset wondering about folks like the camel neck girl,
    aka Ann Coulter, attacking the widows of the horrific attacks to
    promote her guide, and throw purple meat to her fellow conservatives.
    Sad to say, thanks to the behaviour of specified folks, allot extra than the Twin Towers collapsed that day.
    These men and women have led the collapse of decency and civility as effectively.
    So yeah, I recall a large amount of items about 911 and the horror that surrounded that day.
    But the most unpleasant memory I have of 911 and the months and now years
    right after, is the blown chance by our president to really unite us, and demonstrate the entire world that we ended up heading to stand
    up to the murdering zealots and their ilk, as a person men and women. Not just republicans who need the war on terror to drive their agenda.
    But as Americans who want almost nothing extra than to safeguard our families, and on a gorgeous day, be capable
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    Discover their pain points or aspirations and create content around
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    Magnolia Market was Joanna’s baby, but it wasn’t long
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    business. However, if you couldn’t control the remote, you would have
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    It was closed in 1961. What was it? Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-joo Hwan-hee Cameo (Ep.

    You go for it. Yep! Candy has been around for nearly 4,
    000 years. They got in early and made money by recruiting people like you.
    It hasn’t ended yet. Hummer burst onto the scene in 1992, providing civilian versions of the
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    off, might compromise by sacrificing a second row seat to
    the aisle’s floor space, but for some families, it’s well worth the tradeoff.
    Does this sound familiar? It’s probably worth noting
    that all of these early crossover vehicles are still on the market.
    These days, drones are used for pretty much everything, including package delivery.

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    Chips first flip was in college, and Joanna’s dad actually wasn’t too
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    What’s worse, Bob’s already been calling around, and it looks like your neighbor and his buddies have already
    signed up half the city. Think you know what it is? If
    you’ve ever looked at “Fixer Upper” merchandise, you
    will know that there are shirts and hats with the term
    Demo Day on them. Although Chip was late for their first date, Joanna quickly forgave him and they were married a little over a year after they
    started dating. The reason that Lucozade doesn’t get the first sports
    drink cred it deserves falls almost entirely on a marketing problem.
    It was a disaster. When faced with a lack of concrete history, you can either move on to
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    analysis tool like Ahrefs’ Site Explorer and looking for replicable links in the Backlinks report.
    However, some websites face issues where certain pages load securely, but other
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    local SEO-likely outweigh the negatives. Got questions?
    Ping me on Twitter. On-page signals are also
    growing in their perceived importance for local SEO.

    ’re likely to be too competitive for you. But SEOs, too, can get some value from
    using it. You can read their guidelines for using these tools here.
    One way to find details that matter to searchers is to check what top-ranking pages
    in your area talk about.

    For example, “best keyword research tool” could be a MOFU
    or BOFU keyword for us. So we can quickly check out those places,
    and add links where relevant. Next, hit the “Issues” tab and look
    for the “HTTPS/HTTP mixed content” issue. Below, we’ll look at
    what SEOs believe are the most important factors for
    each. Let’s take the top-ranking pages for each
    of these keywords and compare how much search traffic they
    get in the U.S. The spread of mold increases dramatically, and the
    risks associated with structural damage are
    greater. For example, “best keyword research tool” could be a MOFU or BOFU keyword for us.
    For example, say you run an email marketing platform.

    “Ahrefs’ Study Of 2 Million Featured Snippets: 10 Important Takeaways”.
    BrightLocal’s 2021 study shows that 17% of SEOs deem reviews the most important ranking
    factor for map pack rankings. The infamous NFT game,
    Axie Infinity, had a big spike in search volume in July 2021.
    But from there, it’s only been going downhill.

    BrightLocal’s 2021 study shows that 7% of SEOs think citations are the most important ranking factor.

    Ranking factors vary depending on where you want to rank-but some are
    important for both. Bottom of the Funnel (BOFU) - People are looking to make a purchase of a specific product
    or service. Cost Per Click (CPC) shows how much advertisers
    are willing to pay for a click on an ad displayed on top of search results for a given keyword.
    This report shows pages with no internal links, i.e., orphan pages.
    TOFU keywords tend to have high search volumes but low
    conversion rates (i.e., “keyword research,” which has 5,700 monthly searches).
    But some of them also have an option to show you the global search volume, which is the sum
    of search volumes across all countries. If you want search volumes for your state, city,
    or town, you’ll have to use Google Keyword Planner. Links can even hurt rankings if Google sees them as link spam.

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    Tall Timbers Camp Sites
    76 Charmund Rd
    Orangeville, PA 17859
    (570) 630-7818

    Whether or not a mother nature hobbyist, outside fanatic, or sporting fanatic - DeSoto Condition Park has lots to do to
    maintain you pleasantly entertained. Kayaking, fishing, swimming, mountaineering, biking,
    biking, rappelling, bouldering, picnicking, wildflower expeditions, and just simple
    ole’ exploring nature - we virtually have it all!
    We cater to people today, families, and small to big groups of all sorts.
    Use the ADCNR Interactive Map to find out extra about the Alabama Point out Parks.

    Other facilities involve a cafe, assembly rooms, pavilions, picnic location with
    playground, Olympic-measurement swimming pool (seasonal), the Benefield
    Interpretive Center featuring interpretive plans and dwell animals,
    a Civilian Conservation Corps museum, and more than thirty miles of
    hiking and mountain biking trails we even have an ADA-accessible boardwalk
    trail devoted to Talmadge Butler, a former park superintendent.
    This 3,502-acre park provides lodging services like: Mountain Chalets, Log and Rustic Cabins, Motel Rooms, and
    an Enhanced Campground with 94 complete-hookup tent and RV websites.
    For the a lot more adventurous, there are also Primitive Camping sites for tents as
    nicely as two again place campsites with shelters.
    No make a difference what form of lodging you may possibly like or have need
    to have of, we have it! Small River Canyon Mother nature Preserve, the 104-foot Desoto Falls, Alabama Band
    Supporter Club, the Partitions of Jericho Endlessly Wild
    Tract, and historic Fort Payne and Mentone, Alabama.
    Within just a hour of Chattanooga, TN.

    July 9: In the early morning, we walked along the seaside for really a though towards
    Punta Arena. We hitched up and drove that afternoon to an RV park in Fort Bragg.
    July 10: We experienced read that there was primitive camping in Jackson Demonstration Condition Forest, just a handful of miles inland from Fort Bragg
    the condition Office of Forestry, which administers
    the demonstration forests, does not actively boost its tenting facilities.

    Armed with a topo map and my GPS, we went “campground looking”
    in the morning, hoping to depart the RV park guiding. Looking all-around for “boondocking” or
    remote tenting is normally time-consuming, but that is portion of the fun. We observed the obscure entrance to
    the state forest we left the freeway and drove down into the forest, over various miles of rough gravel roads.
    There had been campsites along the highway, but they ended up all marked
    “closed.” Incredibly discouraging. Right after crossing a modest
    stream, we arrived at what appeared to be the “camp host” web-site, but
    it was deserted. There was a huge signboard indicating that most of the
    campsites ended up unavailable.

    Tall Timbers Camp Sites

    76 Charmund Rd

    Orangeville, PA 17859

    (570) 630-7818

    The Hollistic Aproach To Campground
    Positioned a few miles north of Ormond Beach on North Seaside Street.
    I would like to devote a 7 days in this article exploring the place in my canoe.
    Luckily we located a campsite at Lake Louisa State Park for Wednesday through Friday nights.

    It is located in the centre of the point out only 20 miles from Disney Planet.
    Glenn left for Ocala to go to friends for Thanksgiving, so I was still left to fend for myself.

    The initial image down below was taken Wednesday afternoon as we
    arrived at the the campground. The relaxation have been taken on Thursday.

    You can see how the climate cleared up: Lake Louisa offers some of the most stunning vistas in Central Florida and is getting to be a showcase for upland habitat restoration and
    leisure services. It’s 4500 acres guards six lakes, two streams, and
    one zero five acres of lake shoreline. Voted 1 of America’s Best one
    hundred Family members Campgrounds by ReserveAmerica, Lake Louisa’s complete-facility campground is nestled concerning Dixie and
    Hammond lakes, the two of which provide fishing piers.
    Anglers can also fish from boats at 4 of the park’s six
    lakes. There are 23 miles of trails for hikers and bikers.
    Underneath are some incredibly enthusiastic campers
    providing me thumbs up on Thanksgiving. Afterwards on, my neighbors brought me in excess of a finish Thanksgiving evening meal.
    Campers are neat. I from time to time like to chew on a
    twig whilst composing my site. Imagine my surprise when the one I picked
    up turned out to be alive. And type of chewy!
    If you look closely you can see the child adhere bug on the mom’s again. Never
    fail to remember to provide a bathing accommodate
    to get pleasure from the heat lake waters. Just ignore the indicators posted:
    Saturday early morning will discover us heading to Blue Springs Point out
    Park for two nights and attainable manatee sightings.
    I’ll see if I can get some photographs. It’s supposed
    to be mating time. Posted by Greg Wood at 8:03 AM opinions
    E mail ThisBlogThis! Greg Wooden. Photo Window theme.

    Campsite reservations are readily available on the internet or
    by contacting the Reservations Desk toll-cost-free at (877) MY-PARKS.
    Our helpful tenting specialists are available seven times a week from 8 a.m.
    5 p.m. Arizona time. River Island offers 37 campsites. Eight beachfront campsites on the grass overlooking Colorado River with 20-amp service and water.
    These sites are very good for tents. Compact campers up to 24
    toes. The other 29 web pages are perfect for RV camping (up to sixty five toes deep) with 50, 30, and 20-amp
    services, all with water. Ten are back-in web pages and 19 are pull-throughs.

    Be aware: From April one through Sept. 30, there
    is a two-evening minimum remain for weekend
    camping. You will have to reserve both of those Friday.
    Saturday night time. For Memorial Day Weekend, Labor Working day Weekend and Columbus Day Weekend, there is a 3-night least remain for holiday getaway weekend camping and you have
    to reserve at minimum Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evenings alongside one another.
    There is a for every night time price for next vehicles.

    The fee will be paid out on arrival at the park.
    The payment does not apply to vehicles towed guiding a major motor vehicle (RV) when the
    RV stays at the website and is applied for transportation.

    Rv Sites Camp Sites

  1908. Rv Camp Ground Says:

    Campsite With Fishing

    Tall Timbers Camp Sites
    76 Charmund Rd
    Orangeville, PA 17859
    (570) 630-7818

    Inspite of being in just one of the most intensely trafficked
    parks in the condition, Hidden Valley Campground feels like
    a tucked-absent gem. Its rock overhangs provide some shade and a little bit of a reduction during
    Joshua Tree’s specifically very hot times, and the surrounding, substantial boulders assure climbing even the most entry-degree fanatics can love.

    Ambika Rajyagor, founder of Disabled and Outdoors, notably loves Hidden Valley’s campsites
    for loved ones outings, and states the semi-paved dirt
    roads and fewer inclines imply her sister’s wheelchair can go ideal up to the rocks
    additionally, there is certainly lots of place to
    unfold out. “It’s tremendous roomy and no make any difference what campsite we’re at, we generally have some of the most effective sunset sights,” states Rajyagor.
    “There’s ample space away from other campsites so that we sense like we’re on our extremely own journey.” Concealed Valley’s 44 campsites
    all incorporate a picnic table, fire ring, and grill, but as with any Joshua Tree campground, there is no
    running h2o, so campers must convey their very own. If Hidden Valley is booked up:
    Kristen Hernandez, founder of Path Mothers, indicates Joshua Lake Rv Camp Ground and Campground
    as an alternative. It truly is right on the edge of the Mojave Desert,
    outdoors the park-meaning there is great stargazing and extra availability.

    Tall Timbers Camp Sites

    76 Charmund Rd

    Orangeville, PA 17859

    (570) 630-7818

    Sustaining it all through the working day! And final, but by no usually means minimum, is your mindfulness
    with your nourishment. If we go back again to our modern-day day guy who rushes by
    way of the working day, eats on the go, beverages substances that no doubt disagree with him,
    we are very likely to create a handful of matters.
    By consuming meals that do not concur with him,
    by taking in rapidly and not using time out to chew food items,
    he is putting a ton of force on his body to perform harder than it wants to.
    The digestive procedure demands 90% of your body’s accessible resources when it is digesting your food items right after you
    have eaten, so if you are speeding around following ingesting, of program your vitality amounts are going
    to be seriously compromised. Also, to increase to this, chewing your
    meals adequately (until it is liquid) prior to you swallow
    is the initially section of digestion and can also make
    your digestive program a lot a lot more comfortable
    by chewing much more, instead than the national ordinary of
    just 4 bites ahead of swallowing! So, turn into conscious with your
    meals, and slow down. These three things
    of nutritional guidance are critical to escalating your
    body’s vitality degrees. As a Holistic Lifestyle Mentor, I see all
    also often that after a human being has more electricity, then other life style patterns can be modified to achieve
    bigger benefits and perform can now get started on conditioning
    the entire body and building electricity from the floor up.

    It has created-in wi-fi abilities and communicates with the
    Wii using the exact same Bluetooth know-how discovered in the
    Wii Remote. Load sensors sit snugly at the bottom of every
    of the board’s 4 squat, cylindrical-shaped
    legs. A gauge is composed of a one, extended electrical
    wire that is looped back again and forth and mounted
    onto a tough area — in this circumstance, the strip of steel.

    Picture stretching a rubber band: It gets extended as you pull,
    and it also receives thinner as it stretches. The exact same point happens in the pressure
    gauges — they get for a longer period though their cross-sectional place will get smaller.

    Because of the adjustments to length and diameter in the wire, its electrical resistance increases.
    The modify in electrical resistance is converted into a improve in voltage,
    and the sensors use this details to figure out how considerably force you applied
    to the board, or how significantly you weigh.
    The sensors’ measurements will change depending on your position and orientation on the board if you’re standing in the entrance left
    corner, for instance, the sensor in that leg will history a higher load price
    than will the others.

    Campgrounds With Internet

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