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    Billy Fuccillo’s auto business and 18 of its New York state dealerships agreed to pay $1.6 million to settle a class-action lawsuit that claimed the dealerships sold car buyers an over-priced and illegal theft-protection package years ago.

    Some 5,320 car buyers who bought the $295 theft-protection package from Fuccillo dealerships - including Fuccillo Hyundai of Syracuse — are entitled to payments of $160 each, according to a settlement approved in November by U.S. District Judge Lawrence Kahn in Albany.

    The class-action lawsuit covered consumers who bought cars between 2003 and 2012, but Fuccillo dealerships stopped selling the “Auto Theft Security Discount” package in 2007, according to court papers filed by company lawyers.

    The lead plaintiff, car buyer Heidi Seekamp, of the Albany area, was awarded $10,000 from the settlement. The plaintiffs’ attorneys will get $750,000, Kahn ruled last month.

    Fuccillo’s company, It’s Huge Inc., did not admit any wrongdoing as part of the settlement. The company and the 18 Fuccillo dealerships named in the lawsuit agreed not to market the Auto Theft Security Discount anymore.

    The litigation attorney for Fuccillo’s company referred questions to another company lawyer, who did not respond to a request for comment Wednesday.

    Seekamp, who bought a 2007 Hyundai Elantra from a Fuccillo dealership in Schenectady, filed the lawsuit in January 2009.

    Seekamp’s car came with the $295 theft-protection package, which included two components: The car’s vehicle identification number was etched into the window; and Seekamp was entitled to a 10 percent discount toward the purchase of a new car, or $2,000, if the Elantra was stolen and not recovered.

    Seekamp’s class-action suit claimed that the theft-protection package was an illegal insurance policy, because it was administered by a company that was not a licensed insurer, Universal Automotive Services, of New Jersey.

    The lawsuit also claimed that the theft-deterrent value of the service was exaggerated and over-priced, because the cost of etching the VIN into the window was only $20 to $50. New cars by law already have VINs installed in 18 locations on the vehicle, according to the lawsuit.

    According to court papers, the Auto Theft Security Discount was sold to roughly 16,200 customers, who were notified in August about the settlement. Of those, 5,320 submitted claim forms by the Oct. 31 deadline and will be paid, court records show.

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    Immediately after five seconds, decreased Handle and press the BREW
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    Phase 2: SECOND DESCALING Alternative RINSE • Repeat previously mentioned course of action up until you press the BREW
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    Or put money into the insert so You should utilize your very own espresso. It really is very simple to work with and straightforward cleanup. The k-cups are the easiest as you just toss them if you’re accomplished filling up. (My mother is very frugal…she works by using a person 2 times. LOL) A lot of people complained about the sound…actually people! It’s actually not THAT noisy! And it only lasts a number of seconds. Some people just have to complain about anything. This is an excellent espresso device to the coffee connoisseur. I have a complete house h2o filter so I do not need the additional filters, but I do suggest them to save lots of your equipment and enable it to be previous more time if you do not have filtered drinking water system like me. You should not wait around…if you like coffee, this is a good device. How did the colour on internet site Assess with the actual merchandise? It reported it was black…it was black. :)

    A: Only Keurig-licensed K-Cups and components are included by our warranty - you will see “Keurig Brewed” within the product’s packaging. With out this notation we will certainly present prognosis and mend, but it surely is probably not covered via the guarantee.

    I obtained this previous Xmas as a gift I like it simply because I am the sole coffee drinker so producing a whole pot would not make sense. Another family members might make tea or sizzling coco. It is rather easy to use.

    Love delightful coffee at any time with this particular stylish and purposeful Keurig K45 Elite Brewer, 114301. It brews 3 distinct cup sizes in beneath one minute and comes with a big forty eight-ounce drinking water reservoir. This espresso brewer options tranquil brew technological innovation, and it’s got effortless-to-use programmable controls. What’s more, it has an automobile-off function so you will not have to worry about leaving it on.

    I bought my initially keurig three-4 decades in the past whenever they 1st came out. I’m the only espresso drinker in my home but I drink a great deal and so do my attendees. My initial,equipment performs great still. I in no way have applied filtered drinking water, I’m on the very well h2o plenty of iron.

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